tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #100765 2011-02-21T18:47:51-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/741835 2011-02-21T18:47:51-05:00 2011-02-21T18:47:51-05:00 @Dreadhawk on post #100765 (cala and veloce (viper and 1 more) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/64/db/64db5e805d22f9a3d5c5b9517eab5eba.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Anonymous said:<br>A Stargate SG1 fan as well, eh?</p></blockquote><p>Baal is not from Stargate...</p><p>(inb4late)</p> Dreadhawk /users/97895 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/104501 2008-07-30T05:37:55-04:00 2008-07-30T05:37:55-04:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #100765 (cala and veloce (viper and 1 more) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/64/db/64db5e805d22f9a3d5c5b9517eab5eba.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Anonymous said:<br>BAAL APPROVES.</p></blockquote><p>A Stargate SG1 fan as well, eh?</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/104466 2008-07-30T00:28:02-04:00 2008-07-30T00:28:02-04:00 @perv on post #100765 (cala and veloce (viper and 1 more) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/64/db/64db5e805d22f9a3d5c5b9517eab5eba.jpg"/> <p>Gawd, this sounds like a fun game!</p> perv /users/46575 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/56488 2007-02-28T17:47:55-05:00 2007-02-28T17:47:55-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #100765 (cala and veloce (viper and 1 more) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/64/db/64db5e805d22f9a3d5c5b9517eab5eba.jpg"/> <p>This is from Viper RSR. That dude in the background as well as a few other unsavory characters bang her brains out during the course of the game. :-P</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/42321 2007-01-28T17:47:46-05:00 2007-01-28T17:47:46-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #100765 (cala and veloce (viper and 1 more) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/64/db/64db5e805d22f9a3d5c5b9517eab5eba.jpg"/> <p>BAAL APPROVES.</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/42267 2007-01-28T15:35:45-05:00 2007-01-28T15:35:45-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #100765 (cala and veloce (viper and 1 more) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/64/db/64db5e805d22f9a3d5c5b9517eab5eba.jpg"/> <p>Fortunately his...err...armor is black and because of that it is not very difficult to ignore his presence in the background XD</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/42246 2007-01-28T15:09:27-05:00 2007-01-28T15:09:27-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #100765 (cala and veloce (viper and 1 more) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/64/db/64db5e805d22f9a3d5c5b9517eab5eba.jpg"/> <p>Not quite as arousing when there is an evil robot guy looking over you...</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13