tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1070527 2012-01-08T16:05:52-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/950634 2012-01-08T16:05:52-05:00 2012-01-08T16:05:52-05:00 @eighties on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Lobsterman said:<br>Legs are just for decoration <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://danbooru.me/post/show/256610/">http://danbooru.me/post/show/256610/</a></p></blockquote><p>"80% complete, but at 100% operational capacity! that is if you're a newtype like Lalah"</p><p>For the Zeong, all the engines that was suppose to go onto a leg was strapped into the cavity where its skirt is, in the place of a hydralic system that mounts a leg.</p><p>Hence Legit. </p><p>also, consider what you just said. and then think about why theres legs on alot of the 00 suits that didn't need legs.<br> </p> eighties /users/368361 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/950442 2012-01-08T08:04:16-05:00 2012-01-08T08:04:16-05:00 @eighties on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Lobsterman said:<br>Legs are just for decoration <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://danbooru.me/post/show/256610/">http://danbooru.me/post/show/256610/</a></p></blockquote><p>what? it has no legs!</p><p>"the legs are just for decoration, them top brasses never understands that, the zeong is at 100% operational compacity."</p><p>&lt;3 i love you for never forgetting. </p><p>with that logic, 00qt's entire body is useless and a single strong mount for its gun sword would've sufficed. </p><p>essentially 00 never explained why it needs legs. while it explain, painfully, on end how a egg shell could produce magical propel MS and cause terrible, terrible plot holes, it didn't even bother to replace its obsolete MS legs. </p><p>at least old school gundam had engines inside those legs, which makes the legs fat and absolutely makes sure that the design will never be hated. 00 had lols inside them. and frankly on a girl, mobile suit armored legs don't look that great, maybe a stocking with patterns? its especially eye sore when the girl does french poses with those armor, first off, armors like that dont look good that way, and second off, them poses are awkward and defies laws of reality.</p> eighties /users/368361 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/950312 2012-01-07T23:53:57-05:00 2012-01-07T23:53:57-05:00 @Lobsterman on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>eighties said:<br>it looks nice, but the biggest problem is that most 00 suits have fragile looking legs.. and that's a MAJOR MAJOR turn off when viewing Mobile-tans seeing as the legs of a mobile suit is as important as the head itself.</p></blockquote><p>Legs are just for decoration <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://danbooru.me/post/show/256610/">http://danbooru.me/post/show/256610/</a></p> Lobsterman /users/10204 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/950232 2012-01-07T20:01:34-05:00 2012-01-07T20:01:34-05:00 @eighties on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>dean_exia said:<br>Point taken. We can't simply take it for granted when the mecha design is way off the shape.<br>I've longed for profound mecha discussion like this since Michael Bay directing his copy-pasta crap.</p> <p>Now, back to enjoying the parody.</p> </blockquote><p>speaking of which, how in the hell did gundam end up strapping itself to magical girls? i would like to know the whole story one of these days</p> eighties /users/368361 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/950222 2012-01-07T19:32:24-05:00 2012-01-07T19:32:24-05:00 @Neither on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <p>In reality mobile suits are not feasible. So shut up on what is realistic or not.</p> Neither /users/14534 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/950181 2012-01-07T17:39:20-05:00 2012-01-07T17:39:20-05:00 @dean_exia on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>eighties said:<br>my fan rage aside, my last and most powerful agruement for why legs should be bigger is simply because it looks better, kills the disportional feeling that you would ever have once its posed, and doesn't fall over on the shelves.</p></blockquote><p>Point taken. We can't simply take it for granted when the mecha design is way off the shape.<br>I've longed for profound mecha discussion like this since Michael Bay directing his copy-pasta crap.</p><p>Now, back to enjoying the parody.</p> dean_exia /users/351692 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/950169 2012-01-07T16:39:37-05:00 2012-01-07T16:39:37-05:00 @eighties on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>dean_exia said:<br>I maybe a mecha noob, but I have my opinion too.</p> <p>Having thin legs or no legs in 00 maybe justified, as in 24th century, nanotechnology is nothing new. Stronger alloy and such.</p> <p>About flight, GN drives acts much like UFO does.</p> <p>I'm not surprised if our future design of military machine is more hideous than the present one for the sake of practicality.</p> <p>Sometimes truth is stranger than science fiction.</p> </blockquote><p>good job sir, you just found the biggest flaw in 00 and has come to understand why there are so much fan hate for the series.</p><p>GN drives = ezmode computer animation, ezmode combat (no need to scratch the mesh or make it look awesome with battle damage), ezmode plot (its basically god mode, ever thought about that?), ezmode mobile suit design, ezmode logic, ezmode aliens (yes tell it that peace is good, yes, i'm sure a radio antenna wouldn't work)</p><p>essentially sunrise and bandai are assholes now days and don't want to spend the proper money to make a series awesome. <br>people also no longer think about what a robot is designed for before designing, and insists on sticking to the humanoid form because its simple and ezmode fanbase. <br>one of the reason why i simply loved my &lt;insert love target here&gt; can't be this cute, so god dam much, is because some gothic lolita shoves this kind of thinking straight back up some director's ass. It was beautiful, at that moment that harem stopped beign a harem, and became something that words can no longer describe.</p><p>my fan rage aside, my last and most powerful agruement for why legs should be bigger is simply because it looks better, kills the disportional feeling that you would ever have once its posed, and doesn't fall over on the shelves.</p><p>p.s.<br>if anyone was wondering, yes (lol) none of this has anything to do with a magical girl parody.</p><p>although i love what is being done here, i simply couldn't stand the way the leg pieces worked. She woulda looked way better just by not having the leg armor.</p> eighties /users/368361 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/950114 2012-01-07T13:28:31-05:00 2012-01-07T13:28:31-05:00 @dean_exia on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <p>I maybe a mecha noob, but I have my opinion too.</p><p>Having thin legs or no legs in 00 maybe justified, as in 24th century, nanotechnology is nothing new. Stronger alloy and such.</p><p>About flight, GN drives acts much like UFO does.</p><p>I'm not surprised if our future design of military machine is more hideous than the present one for the sake of practicality.</p><p>Sometimes truth is stranger than science fiction.</p> dean_exia /users/351692 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/950104 2012-01-07T12:28:16-05:00 2012-01-07T12:28:16-05:00 @FangPanzer on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <p>Wow Eighties, you did a bit of research for this, to bad mobile suit design is a class course huh?</p> FangPanzer /users/359054 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/949840 2012-01-06T20:19:57-05:00 2012-01-06T20:19:57-05:00 @eighties on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Harouki said:<br>What does it matter if they fly/are in space most of the time?</p></blockquote><p>the shorter version of what i said is simply: fatter legs = more attractive than skinny awkward looking legs when it comes to mobile suits<br>and that legs are infact vital to mobile suit operations unless said legs don't have engines/verniers inside.</p> eighties /users/368361 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/949839 2012-01-06T20:18:30-05:00 2012-01-06T20:18:30-05:00 @eighties on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Harouki said:<br>What does it matter if they fly/are in space most of the time?</p></blockquote><p>glad you brought this up</p><p>alright children let me give you a lesson on why mobile suits got legs in the first place</p><p>back in 0079, zakus - originated from space construction vehicles (otherwise known as SCVs) - had legs. these legs could A: mount to catapult pads B: kick off of asteroids to save on fuel C: kick the gundam in the crotch area D: walk on gravitated areas - although tank treads works for C aswell. Zaku legs are buffy and actually useful because there are verniers (small 'burn out' thrusters for changing directions in space) running through them</p><p>the gundam units were made to counter the zeon zakus and give federation the superioity<br>gundam and their respective gundam massproduction types (the finish product, yes, bitch asuka was actually not bullshitting) has two big verniers on their feet pad each, helping the backpack propell the mobile suit and stabilize the movements in space</p><p>later on in the war, DOMs were introduced to the battle field. These mobile suits had legs that had enough air compressing jet engines (from OUR time) to lift the entire mobile suit off of the ground, reducing the cost of burning minovsky particles for thrust and did really really badass poses that didn't involve legs split 180 degrees apart. <br>-dom legs are buffy and housed the mobile suit's mobility systems</p><p>but then the Zeong was made. It was 80% complete at the time char took it out. It had ship sized engines in place of its legs. <br>-Zeong had no legs, but it had everything that the leg could offer in terms of propulsion. </p><p>Zeta gundam was built in the year 0087, there are at the least an engine in each of the legs. Shiki's legs were used just like a Zaku's legs</p><p>extra MOVABLE appendages with thrusters on them = better maneuverability in space. Hence why the O was just as fast, if not faster as the Zeta gundam despite being so god dam fat (it would be dead weight on earth if it doesn't waste a ton of energy though)</p><p>now back to 00. there is simply no enjoyment from this show to be gained. since all of the little flares that shows a change in the way the mobile suit's moving is CG and badly done CG at that, or sparkles, which is even harder to tell from CG flares. the director and bandai also probably skipped those parts because doing good flare ups and direction changes takes A LOT OF MONEY. </p><p>also contrary to popular belief from being taught by alternate universes, WINGS do NOT help you fly in space, or on earth for that matter if you could colonize space. <br>the ashimar series for example, two main engines in each of the legs, flies like a bird. The Gaplant too, no wings, two main engines one in each legs.</p><p>everything aside, a good and well drawn leg with properly extruded areas (not too hetetic like what 00 and seed does, a few curves and a thruster sticking out is fine) is one of the main requirements of being a mecha from the original gundam series, and by the gods those legs are nice &lt;3</p><p>modeling wise, skinny legs are annoying because they barely support any weight. and designers makes the feet way too small for comfort these days. 00's feet made me cringe and cry for days.</p> eighties /users/368361 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/949758 2012-01-06T16:44:57-05:00 2012-01-06T16:44:57-05:00 @Harouki on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <p>What does it matter if they fly/are in space most of the time?</p> Harouki /users/35208 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/949667 2012-01-06T12:26:07-05:00 2012-01-06T12:26:07-05:00 @eighties on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <p>it looks nice, but the biggest problem is that most 00 suits have fragile looking legs.. and that's a MAJOR MAJOR turn off when viewing Mobile-tans seeing as the legs of a mobile suit is as important as the head itself.</p> eighties /users/368361 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/949590 2012-01-06T08:44:10-05:00 2012-01-06T08:44:10-05:00 @FangPanzer on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Shinhwalee said:<br>Why is Kamijou helping Hitomi when Sayaka deserves him!!!! </p></blockquote><p>If it's any consolation, he'll probably just miss every single shot</p> FangPanzer /users/359054 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/949588 2012-01-06T08:42:47-05:00 2012-01-06T08:42:47-05:00 @Death_Usagi on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <p>Why is Kamijou helping Hitomi when Sayaka deserves him!!!! </p> Death_Usagi /users/112960 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/949454 2012-01-06T00:36:14-05:00 2012-01-06T00:36:14-05:00 @xyuehong102 on post #1070527 (shizuki hitomi, kamijou kyousuke, and reborns gundam (mahou shoujo madoka magica and 2 more) drawn by spaghe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e4/40/e440a366e9e7a6faf0af06a72f07c5a2.jpg"/> <p>I LOLed at Kamijou being a Reborns Cannon.</p> xyuehong102 /users/348750