tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #125294 2012-05-16T21:54:49-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1015977 2012-05-16T21:54:49-04:00 2012-05-16T21:54:49-04:00 @JJKK on post #125294 (kirihara mana (temptation and 1 more) drawn by iizuki_tasuku) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c7/9c/c79c42cc59e977aee8d96efc33d03b5f.jpg"/> <p>The handcuffs look pretty complicated. She probably won't be able to get out from it. She probably won't be able to get out from her dog collar and leash either since she can't use her hands. It would have been more awesome if her legs were in bondage as well, then she wouldn't have been able to move at all and stay in the classroom until other people find her and probably rape her again. The guys before must have been rough to her, as her skirt and panties are taken off, her thighhighs are ripped off while her breasts, face, hair, shirt, legs are covered with cum. Her facial expression is pretty empty though, as she got used to this and probably realized that shits won't change much from now on.</p> JJKK /users/163860