tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1512356 2013-09-25T10:51:15-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1193340 2013-09-25T10:51:15-04:00 2013-09-25T10:51:15-04:00 @Indefinity on post #1512356 (kochiya sanae and tatara kogasa (touhou) drawn by mizuki_hitoshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b7/eb/b7eba439be5c3a74306e8a6b311432d2.jpg"/> <p>No! Parking! My mortal enemy!</p> Indefinity /users/369184 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1193246 2013-09-24T23:39:01-04:00 2013-09-24T23:39:01-04:00 @Genichiro on post #1512356 (kochiya sanae and tatara kogasa (touhou) drawn by mizuki_hitoshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b7/eb/b7eba439be5c3a74306e8a6b311432d2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>AdventZero said:</p> <p>For the poll, you have to turn the wheel up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b(rake), a(ccelerate), select (gear), start (the engine).</p> </blockquote><p>You win the thread</p><p>Well, I don't have much room to say anything, since I don't know the first thing about driving properly. I guess such spaces can be a bit of a pain. It's okay, Sanae-san, no one's perfect.</p><p>For the poll, turn off the engine.</p> Genichiro /users/375375 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1193125 2013-09-24T12:41:22-04:00 2013-09-24T12:41:22-04:00 @Cliff_Edge on post #1512356 (kochiya sanae and tatara kogasa (touhou) drawn by mizuki_hitoshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b7/eb/b7eba439be5c3a74306e8a6b311432d2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Which way do you think she should turn the wheel? </p></blockquote><p>She should turn it up up down down left right left right B A START</p> Cliff_Edge /users/365153 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1193114 2013-09-24T12:04:50-04:00 2013-09-24T12:04:50-04:00 @AdventZero on post #1512356 (kochiya sanae and tatara kogasa (touhou) drawn by mizuki_hitoshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b7/eb/b7eba439be5c3a74306e8a6b311432d2.jpg"/> <p>I learned to drive properly (on the road, even) before I managed to get my driver's license. Which was about half a year ago. Thankfully, it's a lot more intuitive when your co-pilot/instructor is not screaming at the top of her lungs telling you to hit the brakes...</p><p>For the poll, you have to turn the wheel up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b(rake), a(ccelerate), select (gear), start (the engine).</p> AdventZero /users/373518 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1193110 2013-09-24T11:48:35-04:00 2013-09-24T11:48:35-04:00 @The_Vault_Dweller on post #1512356 (kochiya sanae and tatara kogasa (touhou) drawn by mizuki_hitoshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b7/eb/b7eba439be5c3a74306e8a6b311432d2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>ThunderBird said:</p> <p>My sympathies. I have to try turning the wheel slightly to see which way the car moves in reverse every single time. Add in overestimating dimensions, and I usually have a pretty hard time parking in such spaces. I'm much more at home on the road where the only thing I need to keep track is speed, relative to other vehicles.</p> </blockquote><p>The hardest thing I learned driving was doing it in reverse. Since I rarely had to do it there were quite a few times I couldn't remember I had to turn the opposite of the direction I wanted to turn.</p> The_Vault_Dweller /users/107545 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1193105 2013-09-24T11:26:12-04:00 2013-09-24T11:26:12-04:00 @Byakugan01 on post #1512356 (kochiya sanae and tatara kogasa (touhou) drawn by mizuki_hitoshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b7/eb/b7eba439be5c3a74306e8a6b311432d2.jpg"/> <p>Even the car is nervous about this. Hang on there Kogasa! No, literally hang on. This ride might get interesting.</p> Byakugan01 /users/143836 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1193104 2013-09-24T11:26:09-04:00 2013-09-24T11:26:09-04:00 @ThunderBird on post #1512356 (kochiya sanae and tatara kogasa (touhou) drawn by mizuki_hitoshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b7/eb/b7eba439be5c3a74306e8a6b311432d2.jpg"/> <p>My sympathies. I have to try turning the wheel slightly to see which way the car moves in reverse every single time. Add in overestimating dimensions, and I usually have a pretty hard time parking in such spaces. I'm much more at home on the road where the only thing I need to keep track is speed, relative to other vehicles.</p> ThunderBird /users/331234 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1193103 2013-09-24T11:25:47-04:00 2013-09-24T11:25:47-04:00 @Moonspeaker on post #1512356 (kochiya sanae and tatara kogasa (touhou) drawn by mizuki_hitoshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b7/eb/b7eba439be5c3a74306e8a6b311432d2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>I goofed a bit on the background, but this was a parallelogram-shaped parking area, where you could only go in at an angle, so you had shove all the way in. Had it been a normal, rectangular parking space, we could've backed into it.</p> <p>Anyway, today begins a new chapter. It's about my trip back home last month. Before I forget! :-)</p> </blockquote><p>Reader-added tags include "Prospects are grim, Sanae-san", "You're a paper driver, Sanae-san" (i.e., someone with a license who can't really drive), and "When backing out, you go straight until you bump all the way in, right?"</p><p>The survey is open to alternative suggestions: </p><blockquote><p>Which way do you think she should turn the wheel?<br>• Turn it right<br>• Turn it left<br>• Turn it up<br>• Turn it down<br>• Turn off the engine</p></blockquote> Moonspeaker /users/124541 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1193096 2013-09-24T11:09:35-04:00 2013-09-24T11:15:59-04:00 @Schrobby on post #1512356 (kochiya sanae and tatara kogasa (touhou) drawn by mizuki_hitoshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b7/eb/b7eba439be5c3a74306e8a6b311432d2.jpg"/> <p>Sanae wanted to drive but can't back out of the parking space?</p><p>Edit: Nailed it. lol</p> Schrobby /users/254161 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1193094 2013-09-24T11:05:55-04:00 2013-09-24T11:05:55-04:00 @BadRoad on post #1512356 (kochiya sanae and tatara kogasa (touhou) drawn by mizuki_hitoshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b7/eb/b7eba439be5c3a74306e8a6b311432d2.jpg"/> <p>They switched seats for some reason.</p> BadRoad /users/340496 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1193093 2013-09-24T11:03:09-04:00 2013-09-24T11:03:09-04:00 @alphamone on post #1512356 (kochiya sanae and tatara kogasa (touhou) drawn by mizuki_hitoshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b7/eb/b7eba439be5c3a74306e8a6b311432d2.jpg"/> <p>Before TL, <br>another car blocking the view of oncoming cars when trying to back out?</p> alphamone /users/99433