tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1541938 2014-03-25T21:48:13-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1249771 2014-03-25T21:48:13-04:00 2014-03-25T21:48:13-04:00 @schwarzwald on post #1541938 ( shoujo to ura roji drawn by as109) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/85/8e85ca4d1ce92ccef622baef356efcbb.jpg"/> <p>Suzuku?</p><p>Suzuku?!</p><p>No damn it, let her go already!</p> schwarzwald /users/43371 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1207399 2013-11-14T02:19:48-05:00 2013-11-14T02:19:48-05:00 @Arrei on post #1541938 ( shoujo to ura roji drawn by as109) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/85/8e85ca4d1ce92ccef622baef356efcbb.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Mollord said:</p> <p>That makes the tagging of it seem pretty subjective though. I sure wouldn't tag this girl as a loli.</p> </blockquote><p>That's why a check thread exists in the forum for borderline cases.</p><p>Although there are generally very obvious differences between what passes for loli and what is just flat or small-chested.</p> Arrei /users/324239 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1206797 2013-11-12T00:54:09-05:00 2013-11-12T00:54:09-05:00 @Ekka on post #1541938 ( shoujo to ura roji drawn by as109) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/85/8e85ca4d1ce92ccef622baef356efcbb.jpg"/> <p>The girl here is a sixth grader according the translation to a related image in part one... so shouldn't the whole set be tagged as loli?</p> Ekka /users/394132 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1206004 2013-11-09T12:40:14-05:00 2013-11-09T12:40:14-05:00 @Mollord on post #1541938 ( shoujo to ura roji drawn by as109) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/85/8e85ca4d1ce92ccef622baef356efcbb.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Arrei said:</p> <p>Loli is based on the image's appearance, not any outside information.</p> </blockquote><p>That makes the tagging of it seem pretty subjective though. I sure wouldn't tag this girl as a loli.</p> Mollord /users/134132 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1205792 2013-11-08T18:07:07-05:00 2013-11-08T18:07:07-05:00 @Arrei on post #1541938 ( shoujo to ura roji drawn by as109) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/85/8e85ca4d1ce92ccef622baef356efcbb.jpg"/> <p>Loli is based on the image's appearance, not any outside information.</p> Arrei /users/324239 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1205612 2013-11-08T01:48:58-05:00 2013-11-08T01:48:58-05:00 @Fujishiro on post #1541938 ( shoujo to ura roji drawn by as109) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/85/8e85ca4d1ce92ccef622baef356efcbb.jpg"/> <p>Well the translation of the second image of the first part says she is a sixth grader. Pretty sure that counts as loli. Though it's very well drawn and just looking at her image alone you might be able to say otherwise.</p> Fujishiro /users/10357 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1205556 2013-11-07T22:12:18-05:00 2013-11-07T22:12:18-05:00 @SciFi on post #1541938 ( shoujo to ura roji drawn by as109) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/85/8e85ca4d1ce92ccef622baef356efcbb.jpg"/> <p>I was irritated by the blank space it would create in the pool. It'd have been odd for whole chunk(s) to be missing to some viewers.<br>I just didn't want to do it myself, because I know how I get when there's disagreement about loli on Kona and it's not run past mod/equivalent.</p> SciFi /users/356975 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1205471 2013-11-07T15:58:15-05:00 2013-11-07T16:00:39-05:00 @Kikimaru on post #1541938 ( shoujo to ura roji drawn by as109) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/85/8e85ca4d1ce92ccef622baef356efcbb.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>JS2057 said:</p> <p>I find it strange as well, and irritating as now both the original and artist pages are loaded with pages of blank space because of it.</p> </blockquote><p>Will untag <s>&amp; lock.</s><br>--<br>Scratch that, forgot locking is for rating &amp; notes only.</p> Kikimaru /users/11314 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1205468 2013-11-07T15:54:57-05:00 2013-11-07T15:54:57-05:00 @JS2057 on post #1541938 ( shoujo to ura roji drawn by as109) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/85/8e85ca4d1ce92ccef622baef356efcbb.jpg"/> <p>I find it strange as well, and irritating as now both the original and artist pages are loaded with pages of blank space because of it.</p> JS2057 /users/63764 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1205453 2013-11-07T14:55:32-05:00 2013-11-07T15:37:53-05:00 @SciFi on post #1541938 ( shoujo to ura roji drawn by as109) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/85/8e85ca4d1ce92ccef622baef356efcbb.jpg"/> <p>I think you know what this means. Besides that part 2 is all uploaded that is.<br>Format may be changing though (see below)</p><div class="expandable"> <div class="expandable-header"> <span>Artist Commentary</span><input type="button" value="Show" class="expandable-button"> </div> <div class="expandable-content"><p>今回もやり過ぎかなぁ~ときがします。その○○度も、枚数も、是非心の準備をしてご鑑賞ください。( ̄ー ̄)...考え方が多すぎなので、知らないうちにこのようになる、これからの展開も大体決めるので、今後もよろしくお願いします。</p></div> </div><p>Why'd it get tagged loli? The artist didn't tag it loli, part 1 was never deemed loli and I've been uploading for 4+ hours without anyone else thinking it's loli.</p> SciFi /users/356975