tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #1628337 2014-03-04T20:17:02-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1243940 2014-03-04T20:17:02-05:00 2014-03-04T20:17:02-05:00 @MagicMash on post #1628337 (theodor bachstein and ronaldo castroneves (original) drawn by erubo) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/86/92/8692dfba56815c6ac268be68d5d651bc.jpg"/> <p>I wonder if the commentary is translated properly. Erubo titles most of these works with 'クソホモ', and it seems kind of weird for it to mean 'shitty homo/gay', but that's the only translation of 'クソ' I can think of, too.</p> MagicMash /users/414424 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1243797 2014-03-04T08:39:11-05:00 2014-03-04T08:39:11-05:00 @ninryu on post #1628337 (theodor bachstein and ronaldo castroneves (original) drawn by erubo) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/86/92/8692dfba56815c6ac268be68d5d651bc.jpg"/> <p>I'm fine with that.</p> ninryu /users/111335