tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2007838 2015-06-18T16:05:43-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1411547 2015-06-18T16:05:43-04:00 2015-06-18T16:05:43-04:00 @Xhydralisk on post #2007838 (commander shepard, commander shepard, and garrus vakarian (mass effect and 1 more) drawn by kristen_cella) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/22/ef/22ef4f21d13b23371f5a4034899483ef.jpg"/> <p>Not all of the scars come from combat...</p> Xhydralisk /users/314475 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1404597 2015-06-01T19:44:17-04:00 2015-06-01T19:44:30-04:00 @user_170235 on post #2007838 (commander shepard, commander shepard, and garrus vakarian (mass effect and 1 more) drawn by kristen_cella) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/22/ef/22ef4f21d13b23371f5a4034899483ef.jpg"/> <p>Honestly, this is pretty much what I've always imagined what my own Shepard would look like under her armour. Dying, coming back and getting shot probably a million times will do that to you.</p> user_170235 /users/170235 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1396512 2015-05-14T17:47:44-04:00 2015-05-14T17:47:44-04:00 @SindriAndBale on post #2007838 (commander shepard, commander shepard, and garrus vakarian (mass effect and 1 more) drawn by kristen_cella) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/22/ef/22ef4f21d13b23371f5a4034899483ef.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>BlueAzul831 said:</p> <p>You don't kick as much ass as Shepard has, and not get your share of marks</p> </blockquote><p>That, and this may be a depiction of Shepard post-Destruction ending.</p> SindriAndBale /users/235374 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1396511 2015-05-14T17:46:07-04:00 2015-05-14T17:46:07-04:00 @BlueAzul831 on post #2007838 (commander shepard, commander shepard, and garrus vakarian (mass effect and 1 more) drawn by kristen_cella) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/22/ef/22ef4f21d13b23371f5a4034899483ef.jpg"/> <p>You don't kick as much ass as Shepard has, and not get your share of marks</p> BlueAzul831 /users/365233 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1394204 2015-05-09T19:34:11-04:00 2015-05-09T19:34:11-04:00 @AKRA on post #2007838 (commander shepard, commander shepard, and garrus vakarian (mass effect and 1 more) drawn by kristen_cella) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/22/ef/22ef4f21d13b23371f5a4034899483ef.jpg"/> <p>The least pretty-up'd/most grizzled Shepard I've seen in a while, kinda refreshing.</p> AKRA /users/101918 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1394198 2015-05-09T19:01:32-04:00 2015-05-09T19:07:40-04:00 @user_170235 on post #2007838 (commander shepard, commander shepard, and garrus vakarian (mass effect and 1 more) drawn by kristen_cella) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/22/ef/22ef4f21d13b23371f5a4034899483ef.jpg"/> <p>So are bikinis with sleeves fashionable in the future, or is Shepard covering up one especially nasty scar?<br>EDIT: checked the source, and apparently this FemShep has a prosthetic arm, and that's what the sleeve is hiding.</p> user_170235 /users/170235