tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2692272 2017-04-15T18:23:22-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1679915 2017-04-15T18:23:22-04:00 2017-04-15T18:23:22-04:00 @Mazryonh on post #2692272 (kayahara yukiko (innocent grey and 1 more) drawn by sugina_miki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b9/19/b9192599d44c5f8ba1cb4124221c7d15.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>slave2thedrago said:<br>Have to say I wasn't expecting to see new art fort his game. Let alone of this character. I don't imagine she's particularly popular. </p> <p>IN general I wish there was more obscure art of relatively obscure characters and series. </p> </blockquote><p>This is a promo pic for the 2nd Kara no Shoujo game by the official artist, so it's fairly old already. This character was a large part of that game's promotional art, but unfortunately doesn't have as large a role in the 2nd game's story as you might think. </p> Mazryonh /users/96367 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1679698 2017-04-15T02:27:37-04:00 2017-04-15T02:27:37-04:00 @slave2thedrago on post #2692272 (kayahara yukiko (innocent grey and 1 more) drawn by sugina_miki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b9/19/b9192599d44c5f8ba1cb4124221c7d15.jpg"/> <p>Wow. I just finished this game. </p><p>Have to say I wasn't expecting to see new art fort his game. Let alone of this character. I don't imagine she's particularly popular. </p><p>IN general I wish there was more obscure art of relatively obscure characters and series. </p> slave2thedrago /users/155960