tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2709577 2017-05-01T14:13:22-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1685495 2017-05-01T14:13:22-04:00 2017-05-01T14:13:22-04:00 @bakamann on post #2709577 (inazuma, tenryuu, ikazuchi, northern ocean hime, ushio, and 11 more (kantai collection and 2 more) drawn by yuureidoushi_(yuurei6214)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7a/64/7a6417dfeab38173dced5f93f2a2ef0f.jpg"/> <p>Kiso and Tenryuu still doesn't want to give up their false animal image.</p> bakamann /users/466155 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1685465 2017-05-01T12:31:01-04:00 2017-05-01T12:31:01-04:00 @Claverhouse on post #2709577 (inazuma, tenryuu, ikazuchi, northern ocean hime, ushio, and 11 more (kantai collection and 2 more) drawn by yuureidoushi_(yuurei6214)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7a/64/7a6417dfeab38173dced5f93f2a2ef0f.jpg"/> <p>It's nice Tenryuu and Kiso are accepting of Abyssal puchis.</p> Claverhouse /users/72775 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1685401 2017-05-01T09:01:47-04:00 2017-05-01T09:01:47-04:00 @Dogwalker on post #2709577 (inazuma, tenryuu, ikazuchi, northern ocean hime, ushio, and 11 more (kantai collection and 2 more) drawn by yuureidoushi_(yuurei6214)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7a/64/7a6417dfeab38173dced5f93f2a2ef0f.jpg"/> <p>It seems Akira-chan still has to figure out a conter-measure for Graf-chan "attachement" to her pony-tail.</p><blockquote> <p>Top_Agent_PGG_jr. said:</p> <p>3rd panel: Resurrection from the dead?</p> </blockquote><p>"Separation of the astral body from the real body" sketch.</p> Dogwalker /users/259596 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1685392 2017-05-01T08:20:38-04:00 2017-05-01T22:14:02-04:00 @Top_Agent_PGG_jr. on post #2709577 (inazuma, tenryuu, ikazuchi, northern ocean hime, ushio, and 11 more (kantai collection and 2 more) drawn by yuureidoushi_(yuurei6214)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7a/64/7a6417dfeab38173dced5f93f2a2ef0f.jpg"/> <p>1st panel: Wow, Naka-san is so used to Kehki-chan's "singing" that she does not even bother to cover her ears, choosing to peacefully giving up the ghost.</p><p>2nd panel: As usual, Graf-chan is "attached" to Akira-chan.</p><p>3rd panel: Resurrection from the dead?</p><p>4th panel: I do not think they are drunk enough to do that. It is more like <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="http://danbooru.me/posts/2582190">they learned that from other puchis</a>.</p> Top_Agent_PGG_jr. /users/494336