tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2755349 2017-06-18T00:01:25-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1705682 2017-06-18T00:01:25-04:00 2017-06-18T00:01:25-04:00 @Blooming_Scissorwaltz on post #2755349 (kaga, kongou, shigure, tenryuu, ikazuchi, and 37 more (kantai collection) drawn by uyama_hajime) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bf/63/bf6340152e9cfdcd273feb41ce2d6230.jpg"/> <p>Didn't expect Iku to be the innocent one.</p> Blooming_Scissorwaltz /users/497560 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1705494 2017-06-17T09:49:58-04:00 2017-06-17T09:49:58-04:00 @Ignuvalvia on post #2755349 (kaga, kongou, shigure, tenryuu, ikazuchi, and 37 more (kantai collection) drawn by uyama_hajime) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bf/63/bf6340152e9cfdcd273feb41ce2d6230.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Mogami said:</p> <p>I don't grow one, dammit!</p> </blockquote><p>Lol</p> Ignuvalvia /users/479350 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1705384 2017-06-16T23:27:00-04:00 2017-06-16T23:27:00-04:00 @CronaBaka on post #2755349 (kaga, kongou, shigure, tenryuu, ikazuchi, and 37 more (kantai collection) drawn by uyama_hajime) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bf/63/bf6340152e9cfdcd273feb41ce2d6230.jpg"/> <p>Dayum, dat Shigure~</p> CronaBaka /users/450946 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1704725 2017-06-14T22:16:05-04:00 2017-06-14T22:16:05-04:00 @NWSiaCB on post #2755349 (kaga, kongou, shigure, tenryuu, ikazuchi, and 37 more (kantai collection) drawn by uyama_hajime) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bf/63/bf6340152e9cfdcd273feb41ce2d6230.jpg"/> <p>The central joke isn't so funny, but Akashi's "do you want me to give it an upgrade?" face gets a chuckle... Oh, and I like Akebono's reaction.</p> NWSiaCB /users/110655 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1704723 2017-06-14T22:07:17-04:00 2017-06-14T22:07:17-04:00 @zgryphon on post #2755349 (kaga, kongou, shigure, tenryuu, ikazuchi, and 37 more (kantai collection) drawn by uyama_hajime) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bf/63/bf6340152e9cfdcd273feb41ce2d6230.jpg"/> <p>I don't really think the central joke is all that funny? But I have to admit I love Naka's. She's just not going to engage. Not even going to dignify it with a reaction.</p> zgryphon /users/449162 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1704495 2017-06-14T03:13:25-04:00 2017-06-14T03:13:25-04:00 @dandan on post #2755349 (kaga, kongou, shigure, tenryuu, ikazuchi, and 37 more (kantai collection) drawn by uyama_hajime) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bf/63/bf6340152e9cfdcd273feb41ce2d6230.jpg"/> <p>"size competition" now that's an interesting reaction! </p> dandan /users/99269 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1704489 2017-06-14T02:28:43-04:00 2017-06-14T02:38:08-04:00 @Paracite on post #2755349 (kaga, kongou, shigure, tenryuu, ikazuchi, and 37 more (kantai collection) drawn by uyama_hajime) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bf/63/bf6340152e9cfdcd273feb41ce2d6230.jpg"/> <p>Qpax, why didn't you just use the 'copy notes' function to move all of them at once from the child image? You missed a few when you did them all manually.</p><p>Was able to do Tenryuu's lines properly this time, since they're actually readable now. </p> Paracite /users/158201 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1704478 2017-06-14T01:22:57-04:00 2017-06-14T01:22:57-04:00 @personman23 on post #2755349 (kaga, kongou, shigure, tenryuu, ikazuchi, and 37 more (kantai collection) drawn by uyama_hajime) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bf/63/bf6340152e9cfdcd273feb41ce2d6230.jpg"/> <p>I almost think this is worthy of the 'kashima is a good girl' pool, just cause she has a nosebleed. Probably a dumb thought, but still.</p> personman23 /users/362812 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1704471 2017-06-14T00:58:34-04:00 2017-06-14T00:59:28-04:00 @Bloodtyrant on post #2755349 (kaga, kongou, shigure, tenryuu, ikazuchi, and 37 more (kantai collection) drawn by uyama_hajime) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bf/63/bf6340152e9cfdcd273feb41ce2d6230.jpg"/> <p>haha Fubuki "Ah come on you did me twice!"</p> Bloodtyrant /users/12397 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1704447 2017-06-13T23:24:11-04:00 2017-06-13T23:24:11-04:00 @Emerald_Acid on post #2755349 (kaga, kongou, shigure, tenryuu, ikazuchi, and 37 more (kantai collection) drawn by uyama_hajime) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bf/63/bf6340152e9cfdcd273feb41ce2d6230.jpg"/> <p>Poor 'Buki.</p> Emerald_Acid /users/371913