tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #2781533 2017-10-17T00:09:03-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1753827 2017-10-17T00:09:03-04:00 2017-10-17T00:09:03-04:00 @Random_Fanguy on post #2781533 (kongou, female admiral, ta-class battleship, and abyssal admiral (kantai collection) drawn by walzrj) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/dc/c7/dcc79edbf6a56ef4191baeb4541175fb.jpg"/> <p>It doesn't help that he just made a pass at the lady Admiral a few moments ago. </p> Random_Fanguy /users/468462 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1726014 2017-07-30T14:53:44-04:00 2017-07-30T14:53:44-04:00 @Cypher27 on post #2781533 (kongou, female admiral, ta-class battleship, and abyssal admiral (kantai collection) drawn by walzrj) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/dc/c7/dcc79edbf6a56ef4191baeb4541175fb.jpg"/> <p>But the mood is so good for this. Didn't you see the couple over there?</p> Cypher27 /users/373590 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1720708 2017-07-15T04:11:34-04:00 2017-07-15T04:11:34-04:00 @Kuso_Teitoku on post #2781533 (kongou, female admiral, ta-class battleship, and abyssal admiral (kantai collection) drawn by walzrj) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/dc/c7/dcc79edbf6a56ef4191baeb4541175fb.jpg"/> <p>Nice attack, Ta-class. :)</p> Kuso_Teitoku /users/447318