tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3061273 2018-03-27T14:46:17-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1803908 2018-03-27T14:46:17-04:00 2018-03-27T14:46:17-04:00 @MAyDay8 on post #3061273 (jeanne d'arc, nero claudius, fujimaru ritsuka, gilgamesh, nero claudius, and 11 more (fate and 3 more) drawn by 88_(einnimnech)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/84/2d/842db0e35943dbe879d8f45c12e1fcb8.jpg"/> <p>Bedtime Stories For Good Children pool?</p> MAyDay8 /users/474593 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1803047 2018-03-24T18:03:17-04:00 2018-03-24T18:03:17-04:00 @Unbreakable on post #3061273 (jeanne d'arc, nero claudius, fujimaru ritsuka, gilgamesh, nero claudius, and 11 more (fate and 3 more) drawn by 88_(einnimnech)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/84/2d/842db0e35943dbe879d8f45c12e1fcb8.jpg"/> <p>Paul in the background really is the best part of this picture, that silly looking smile she has. The cutest part is of course Nursery and Santa Lily.</p> Unbreakable /users/430030