tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3108017 2019-10-06T08:01:01-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1952852 2019-10-06T08:01:01-04:00 2019-10-06T08:01:01-04:00 @DeusEx773 on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>Fun Fact: Greythorn032 is a massive doom fan. </p> DeusEx773 /users/9885 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1817790 2018-05-13T08:11:30-04:00 2018-05-13T08:11:30-04:00 @Naked_Flame on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>Error in the picture:<br>Bismarck is listed as VII when she's a TVIII (T8) ship in WoWS.</p> Naked_Flame /users/351813 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1816939 2018-05-10T13:27:38-04:00 2018-05-10T13:27:38-04:00 @Zelinkokitsune on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>garpun said:</p> <p>I had an Asashio 4km from me, in a Pensacola, for an entire 5 minutes, and I kept it that way because there were just too many priority targets for me to shoot at or worry about (Roon in the distance kiting, NO to my left waiting for me to make a mistake, Missouri creeping around the corner). Lil Asashio was beached and in smoke and never shot me with its guns, just kept hurling DW torps at me over and over, despite them, you know, just passing under me. After two out of three priorities were taken care of I just kinda blew up the Asashio as an afterthought and moved on.</p> <p>Asashio: for people with more money than sense</p> </blockquote><p>Yea it's hilarious as I was in a match as Leningrad and it became BULLY THE ASSY. We had it running from our destroyers while regular DD just feasted on their teams' destroyers.</p><p>Amount of BB hit? Zero. And it was fat ass Colorados he couldn't hurt.</p> Zelinkokitsune /users/213838 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1815520 2018-05-05T13:12:36-04:00 2018-05-05T13:12:36-04:00 @Darkagma on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>That CSS tho...</p> Darkagma /users/353716 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1815507 2018-05-05T12:11:06-04:00 2018-05-05T12:11:06-04:00 @Atsuitako on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>Pffft. The first time I encountered an Asashio I promptly sank her with my Nurnberg. Granted it was already at less than half it hitpoints.</p> Atsuitako /users/434448 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1815110 2018-05-03T23:08:43-04:00 2018-05-03T23:08:43-04:00 @keramatzmode on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>FLOOD &amp; TEAR</p> keramatzmode /users/447224 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1815012 2018-05-03T15:26:04-04:00 2018-05-03T15:26:04-04:00 @StriderTuna on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>zankde said:</p> <p>Yesterday I saw one, but team gunned her down early</p> </blockquote><p>sounds about right; at a certain level of infamy, it just attracts a ton of heat. Sort of like Saber in F/SN with her "strongest servant class" status (and thus everyone she's up against brings out their A game)</p> StriderTuna /users/44860 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1814565 2018-05-02T01:27:48-04:00 2018-05-02T01:27:48-04:00 @zankde on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>Yesterday I saw one, but team gunned her down early</p> zankde /users/372289 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1814354 2018-05-01T10:29:24-04:00 2018-05-01T10:29:24-04:00 @laisy on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>garpun said:</p> <p>I had an Asashio 4km from me, in a Pensacola, for an entire 5 minutes, and I kept it that way because there were just too many priority targets for me to shoot at or worry about (Roon in the distance kiting, NO to my left waiting for me to make a mistake, Missouri creeping around the corner). Lil Asashio was beached and in smoke and never shot me with its guns, just kept hurling DW torps at me over and over, despite them, you know, just passing under me. After two out of three priorities were taken care of I just kinda blew up the Asashio as an afterthought and moved on.</p> <p>Asashio: for people with more money than sense</p> </blockquote><p>That is some level of derp. At least the dumbest Asashio I met tried to do damage to me (and attempted ram). </p> laisy /users/390662 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1814347 2018-05-01T10:11:31-04:00 2018-05-01T10:11:31-04:00 @garpun on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>I had an Asashio 4km from me, in a Pensacola, for an entire 5 minutes, and I kept it that way because there were just too many priority targets for me to shoot at or worry about (Roon in the distance kiting, NO to my left waiting for me to make a mistake, Missouri creeping around the corner). Lil Asashio was beached and in smoke and never shot me with its guns, just kept hurling DW torps at me over and over, despite them, you know, just passing under me. After two out of three priorities were taken care of I just kinda blew up the Asashio as an afterthought and moved on.</p><p>Asashio: for people with more money than sense</p> garpun /users/344111 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1814301 2018-05-01T04:39:06-04:00 2018-05-01T04:39:06-04:00 @dasCKD on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>IJN<br>C A R R I E R B A I T<br>A<br>R<br>R<br>I<br>E<br>R</p><p>B<br>A<br>I<br>T</p> dasCKD /users/469743 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1814297 2018-05-01T04:25:25-04:00 2018-05-01T04:26:02-04:00 @Tk3997 on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>A much more accurate picture would be her curled up in the fetal position trying to cover her head while the Benson triplets, Kidd, Kiev, and Z-23 kick the shit out of her and New Orleans and Chappy are in the background running up with lead pipes to join in. </p><p>She's awful, the entire concept was a terrible idea. I can kind of appreciate the BBitch tears she can very occasionally spawn, but mostly she's just an even less versatile Kagero, which is impressive because Kagero is already pretty damn limited. </p><blockquote> <p>.musouka said:</p> <p>She's too weak at playing caps to be bringing into <s>ranked</s> any mode where you actually want to consistently help your team win with a DD. </p> </blockquote><p>Fixed that. </p> Tk3997 /users/66868 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1814277 2018-05-01T02:37:36-04:00 2018-05-01T02:37:36-04:00 @ezekill on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>Well they seriously made her into a dedicated capital ship killer... </p><p>... while I actually saw her brutally double strike a Kurfurst and Conqueror as I was tailing her ass in Zao, the German destroyers, Lo Yang, or even a Benson can just outright get in the smoke she's in as well as Kagero to fan the smoke with torpedoes as well as the fact that Chapayev and NO are the biggest offenders at tier 8 radar</p> ezekill /users/342167 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1814271 2018-05-01T02:18:20-04:00 2018-05-01T02:18:20-04:00 @AzurLonemark on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>Wait a minite, why is a tier 5 Destroyer on a Tier 10 Match again lol? </p> AzurLonemark /users/554128 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1814255 2018-05-01T00:56:09-04:00 2018-05-01T00:56:09-04:00 @Oygehn on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>that Bismarck is marked T7 but she's T8</p> Oygehn /users/522029 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1814237 2018-04-30T23:51:01-04:00 2018-04-30T23:51:01-04:00 @MaxAndEmilytate on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>My Honour Student Can't Be This much of a Berserker-Packing (Wo)Man and a Half</p> MaxAndEmilytate /users/270302 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1814234 2018-04-30T23:44:59-04:00 2018-04-30T23:44:59-04:00 @AdventZero on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>Asashio's gonna make a fine Khorne Champion some day.</p> AdventZero /users/373518 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1814202 2018-04-30T21:21:37-04:00 2018-04-30T21:21:37-04:00 @Kreikon on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>I can hear E1M1 from this image</p> Kreikon /users/550259 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1814124 2018-04-30T13:45:36-04:00 2018-04-30T13:45:36-04:00 @.musouka on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Zelinkokitsune said:</p> <p>That's the dream.</p> <p>The reality should be her in a corner crying as every cruiser and Destroyer bullying her because of her inability to protect herself.</p> <p>So far in Ranked her only feat I've seen is chasing down a carrier... which any other destroyer could do. The others died hilariously fast to destroyer and cruiser fire</p> </blockquote><p>She's too weak at playing caps to be bringing into ranked. </p> .musouka /users/367512 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1814098 2018-04-30T12:17:00-04:00 2018-04-30T12:18:08-04:00 @Zelinkokitsune on post #3108017 (yamato, bismarck, asashio, and gremyashchy (original and 3 more) drawn by greythorn032) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/7b/00/7b00d73812be5d4ec3bf8e578bbad859.jpg"/> <p>That's the dream.</p><p>The reality should be her in a corner crying as every cruiser and Destroyer bullying her because of her inability to protect herself.</p><p>So far in Ranked her only feat I've seen is chasing down a carrier... which any other destroyer could do. The others died hilariously fast to destroyer and cruiser fire</p> Zelinkokitsune /users/213838