tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3316710 2019-08-09T22:01:49-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1938925 2019-08-09T22:01:49-04:00 2019-08-09T22:01:49-04:00 @slave2thedrago on post #3316710 ( original drawn by amano_jack_(paradise_jack)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d1/f2/d1f28b3f676791ac38c62b9163bcc6e2.jpg"/> <p>This scenario makes very little sense when you think about it</p><p>first of all, she was apparently doing something to motivate him to go and try to kill her so why is he perfectly okay with it now and being all peaceful. </p><p>And now they’re in like, a town? Walking around in public peacefully?usually orcs are all about caves and they raid towns and all that but that’s not the case?</p><p>In that case it goes back to “why was he fighting her in the first place?”</p><p>I’m just saying this setting has some serious ‘splainin to do, but it probably won’t lol</p><p>Ah don’t mind me. I’m the guy who overthinks things. </p> slave2thedrago /users/155960