tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3403172 2019-08-24T17:33:52-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1942733 2019-08-24T17:31:28-04:00 2019-08-24T17:33:52-04:00 @MischiefIris on post #3403172 (neo politan and cinder fall (rwby) drawn by actualbampot) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ea/de/eaded92adddca2dd8a69059e6075fc3d.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Selvokaz said:</p> <p>The problemn with RWBY is that there are no guys in RWBY. The only thing that's supposed to pass for a male in the show Are over 40+ years old dudes who are drunks, weirdos, literal man-childs, or just plain Syndley Whiplash S.O.B's. The younger guys on the other hand tend to be lean towards the extremes. Extremely nice (Sun, Jaune pre-volume 3.), or Extremely dickish (Mercury, the two guards from the train episode, Tyrion, and so on.) It's not all that surprising that the RWBY community, whether heterosexual male, or bi-sexual female, tends to pair the girls up with one another. I mean hate that **** but again, because the show is gender unbalanced, with no positive males (note the plural in males), there wouldn't be enough guys to go around to give the women in that show a decent male relationship example at all. I mean the whole premise behind the show is that the literal adam and eve of the current world, got into a fight and murdered their children possibly, and before that in the original world the chick literally gets EVERYONE on earth killed because her man died, and the creators of the world wouldn't bring him back because it went against the natural order or some **** so her deceptive lies to one got her permenantly banned from the afterlife club where she could have hooked up with him again, and got him killed a 2nd time, and then charged with his own curse of constant reincarnation until he fixes his old girlfriends problems. No wonder everyones LGBT. I bet that world doesn't have to worry about Thanos showing up and snapping his fingers with the infinity gauntlet, they seem to already be doing a bangup job keeping their population low, and im not even talking about death via grimm which apparently isn't even a scary factor, since legions of kids apparently train to kill them as young as 13 and under.</p> <p>Anyway, seeing this picture, and the follow up one just kind of triggered me. Used to like watching the show, now i kind of pretend it ended before it actually did, and that there is no canonical version of the story post volume 3.</p> </blockquote><p>Sir this is a Wendys</p> MischiefIris /users/549027 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1907663 2019-04-07T20:46:44-04:00 2019-04-07T20:46:44-04:00 @Selvokaz on post #3403172 (neo politan and cinder fall (rwby) drawn by actualbampot) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ea/de/eaded92adddca2dd8a69059e6075fc3d.jpg"/> <p>The problemn with RWBY is that there are no guys in RWBY. The only thing that's supposed to pass for a male in the show Are over 40+ years old dudes who are drunks, weirdos, literal man-childs, or just plain Syndley Whiplash S.O.B's. The younger guys on the other hand tend to be lean towards the extremes. Extremely nice (Sun, Jaune pre-volume 3.), or Extremely dickish (Mercury, the two guards from the train episode, Tyrion, and so on.) It's not all that surprising that the RWBY community, whether heterosexual male, or bi-sexual female, tends to pair the girls up with one another. I mean hate that **** but again, because the show is gender unbalanced, with no positive males (note the plural in males), there wouldn't be enough guys to go around to give the women in that show a decent male relationship example at all. I mean the whole premise behind the show is that the literal adam and eve of the current world, got into a fight and murdered their children possibly, and before that in the original world the chick literally gets EVERYONE on earth killed because her man died, and the creators of the world wouldn't bring him back because it went against the natural order or some **** so her deceptive lies to one got her permenantly banned from the afterlife club where she could have hooked up with him again, and got him killed a 2nd time, and then charged with his own curse of constant reincarnation until he fixes his old girlfriends problems. No wonder everyones LGBT. I bet that world doesn't have to worry about Thanos showing up and snapping his fingers with the infinity gauntlet, they seem to already be doing a bangup job keeping their population low, and im not even talking about death via grimm which apparently isn't even a scary factor, since legions of kids apparently train to kill them as young as 13 and under.</p><p>Anyway, seeing this picture, and the follow up one just kind of triggered me. Used to like watching the show, now i kind of pretend it ended before it actually did, and that there is no canonical version of the story post volume 3.</p> Selvokaz /users/327545