tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3427163 2019-02-27T02:13:14-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1897770 2019-02-27T02:13:14-05:00 2019-02-27T02:13:14-05:00 @NNescio on post #3427163 (nyto mercurows (girls frontline) drawn by huqu) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/81/08/8108c02433fea3400bf44d2b66eb4b71.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>laisy said:</p> <p>One of the new mechanics in the recent event Isomer is a gate that can be controlled from a control panel. If a unit, either enemy or friendly, is on the gate when you close it, they take damage. And you do not lose a turn controlling the doors. Players quickly abuse it to cheese the map by luring powerful enemies into the gate and squish. It's basically a meme. <br>Example: <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/av41652322">https://www.bilibili.com/video/av41652322</a></p> </blockquote><blockquote> <p>Alanis_the_Evoker said:</p> <p>Wow, reminds me of similar shenanigans with drawbridges in <em>NetHack</em>. Complete with taking no time to open and close repeatedly (though this has been fixed in the current version). The main drawback with doing this was that it destroyed any loot the victim may have been carrying.</p> <p>Alanis, killed by a closing gate</p> </blockquote><p>Also Dwarven Atom Smashers in Dorf Fort.</p> NNescio /users/333230 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1897759 2019-02-27T00:28:39-05:00 2019-02-27T00:28:39-05:00 @Alanis_the_Evoker on post #3427163 (nyto mercurows (girls frontline) drawn by huqu) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/81/08/8108c02433fea3400bf44d2b66eb4b71.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>laisy said:</p> <p>One of the new mechanics in the recent event Isomer is a gate that can be controlled from a control panel. If a unit, either enemy or friendly, is on the gate when you close it, they take damage. And you do not lose a turn controlling the doors. Players quickly abuse it to cheese the map by luring powerful enemies into the gate and squish. It's basically a meme.</p> </blockquote><p>Wow, reminds me of similar shenanigans with drawbridges in <em>NetHack</em>. Complete with taking no time to open and close repeatedly (though this has been fixed in the current version). The main drawback with doing this was that it destroyed any loot the victim may have been carrying.</p><p>Alanis, killed by a closing gate</p> Alanis_the_Evoker /users/375229 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1897758 2019-02-27T00:17:37-05:00 2019-02-27T00:17:37-05:00 @cokerpilot on post #3427163 (nyto mercurows (girls frontline) drawn by huqu) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/81/08/8108c02433fea3400bf44d2b66eb4b71.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>79248cm/s said:</p> <p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/av41672515/?spm_id_from=333.788.videocard.2">So basically</a></p> </blockquote><p>Not loading what ever it is.</p> cokerpilot /users/324090 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1897730 2019-02-26T22:42:26-05:00 2019-02-27T08:23:32-05:00 @79248cm/s on post #3427163 (nyto mercurows (girls frontline) drawn by huqu) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/81/08/8108c02433fea3400bf44d2b66eb4b71.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>skaianDestiny said:</p> <p>I'm pretty sure it was intentional. They just didn't expect players would abuse it so much.</p> </blockquote><p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/av41672515">So basically</a></p> 79248cm/s /users/375497 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1897525 2019-02-25T23:14:20-05:00 2019-02-25T23:14:54-05:00 @laisy on post #3427163 (nyto mercurows (girls frontline) drawn by huqu) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/81/08/8108c02433fea3400bf44d2b66eb4b71.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Dreadnought said:</p> <p>I feel a little left out, but can I get some context?</p> </blockquote><p>One of the new mechanics in the recent event Isomer is a gate that can be controlled from a control panel. If a unit, either enemy or friendly, is on the gate when you close it, they take damage. And you do not lose a turn controlling the doors. Players quickly abuse it to cheese the map by luring powerful enemies into the gate and squish. It's basically a meme. <br>Example: <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/av41652322">https://www.bilibili.com/video/av41652322</a></p> laisy /users/390662 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1897519 2019-02-25T22:42:42-05:00 2019-02-25T22:42:42-05:00 @Dreadnought on post #3427163 (nyto mercurows (girls frontline) drawn by huqu) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/81/08/8108c02433fea3400bf44d2b66eb4b71.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>79248cm/s said:</p> <p>Does anyone know if this wall thing was an intentional gameplay mechanic or just a weird flaw that they never patched?</p> </blockquote><p>I feel a little left out, but can I get some context?</p> Dreadnought /users/512327 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1897483 2019-02-25T19:15:33-05:00 2019-02-25T19:15:33-05:00 @skaianDestiny on post #3427163 (nyto mercurows (girls frontline) drawn by huqu) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/81/08/8108c02433fea3400bf44d2b66eb4b71.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>79248cm/s said:</p> <p>Does anyone know if this wall thing was an intentional gameplay mechanic or just a weird flaw that they never patched?</p> </blockquote><p>I'm pretty sure it was intentional. They just didn't expect players would abuse it so much.</p> skaianDestiny /users/398668 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1897324 2019-02-25T06:35:43-05:00 2019-02-25T06:35:43-05:00 @79248cm/s on post #3427163 (nyto mercurows (girls frontline) drawn by huqu) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/81/08/8108c02433fea3400bf44d2b66eb4b71.jpg"/> <p>Does anyone know if this wall thing was an intentional gameplay mechanic or just a weird flaw that they never patched?</p> 79248cm/s /users/375497