tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3488248 2019-12-22T17:50:52-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1969910 2019-12-22T17:50:52-05:00 2019-12-22T17:50:52-05:00 @StoatyBoi on post #3488248 (jericho (girls frontline) drawn by mimusops_zeyheri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ab/ce/abce71384178a4111932c5db4e375afc.jpg"/> <p>PRAISE HER, YOU BASTARD OF A COMMANDER</p> StoatyBoi /users/698992 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1912259 2019-04-26T16:33:40-04:00 2019-04-26T16:33:40-04:00 @Claverhouse on post #3488248 (jericho (girls frontline) drawn by mimusops_zeyheri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ab/ce/abce71384178a4111932c5db4e375afc.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>79248cm/s said:</p> <p>Why are hard translated versions considered inferior to original? If the translation is accurate to the source then it seems to me it would save the translators here some work.</p> </blockquote><p>Very much agreed.</p><p>Hope she's saved...</p> Claverhouse /users/72775 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1912090 2019-04-26T03:20:03-04:00 2019-04-26T03:20:23-04:00 @79248cm/s on post #3488248 (jericho (girls frontline) drawn by mimusops_zeyheri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ab/ce/abce71384178a4111932c5db4e375afc.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Unbreakable said:</p> <p>...</p> </blockquote><p>Got it, that makes sense then. Thanks. </p> 79248cm/s /users/375497 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1912081 2019-04-26T02:38:37-04:00 2019-04-26T02:39:48-04:00 @Unbreakable on post #3488248 (jericho (girls frontline) drawn by mimusops_zeyheri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ab/ce/abce71384178a4111932c5db4e375afc.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>79248cm/s said:</p> <p>Why are hard translated versions considered inferior to original? If the translation is accurate to the source then it seems to me it would save the translators here some work.</p> </blockquote><p>1: It's an edit by someone other than the artist, just like with <a class="dtext-link dtext-wiki-link tag-type-5" href="/wiki_pages/nude_filter">nude filters</a> we frown upon those since we prefer to keep them as the artist intended them to be, plus it makes it look a little bit better if we don't approve of images edited without permission from the original artist.</p><p>2: If the hard-translated image has a typo or incorrect translation (either by a bad translator or a mistake) it can't be changed on the fly like it can with Danbooru notes.</p><p>The <a class="dtext-link dtext-wiki-link tag-type-5" href="/wiki_pages/hard_translated">hard translated</a> wiki provides a little info on it too.</p> Unbreakable /users/430030 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1912078 2019-04-26T02:19:23-04:00 2019-04-26T02:19:23-04:00 @79248cm/s on post #3488248 (jericho (girls frontline) drawn by mimusops_zeyheri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ab/ce/abce71384178a4111932c5db4e375afc.jpg"/> <p>Why are hard translated versions considered inferior to original? If the translation is accurate to the source then it seems to me it would save the translators here some work. </p> 79248cm/s /users/375497 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1911996 2019-04-25T16:48:29-04:00 2019-04-25T16:48:29-04:00 @fwuffycocoa on post #3488248 (jericho (girls frontline) drawn by mimusops_zeyheri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ab/ce/abce71384178a4111932c5db4e375afc.jpg"/> <p>Sorry, didn't see that there's a hard-translated and typesetted one with the pool</p> fwuffycocoa /users/567672