tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3535486 2019-06-18T18:57:00-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1926096 2019-06-18T18:57:00-04:00 2019-06-18T18:57:00-04:00 @slave2thedrago on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>PikaFan15 said:</p> <p>I just wanted cute dark skinned Pokégirl, what the hell are you all discussing in mamy paragraphs in the comments. Just shush and enjoy the cute girls.</p> </blockquote><p>To be fair</p><p>I also post many paragraphs about cute anime girls because cute anime girls are srs bsns</p><p>Don’t hate me because I’m a true believer</p> slave2thedrago /users/155960 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1925351 2019-06-16T01:39:58-04:00 2019-06-16T01:39:58-04:00 @PikaFan15 on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <p>I just wanted cute dark skinned Pokégirl, what the hell are you all discussing in mamy paragraphs in the comments. Just shush and enjoy the cute girls. </p> PikaFan15 /users/514151 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924820 2019-06-14T03:13:28-04:00 2019-06-14T03:13:28-04:00 @azurelorochi on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>BarefeetChaser said:</p> <p>Well that's what I thought when I upload <a class="dtext-link" href="/posts/3456678">this</a> , and now some war crime apologist is having a fucking field day here. At least in this post, people addressed the joke. Consider that a win.</p> <p>That's Danbooru for ya. Sometimes the walls of texts in comment section are really interesting and informative, but you won't get those all the time.</p> </blockquote><p>Trust me, I dislike doing it as much as anybody else, especially when the "debate" isn't a conversation but just a shouting match. </p><p>I like clarity and therefore long explanation to my stances exactly because I hate people misinterpreting my words. Again I don't intend to change anybody's mind, I don't care if they disagree, just to have them know where I'm coming from.</p><p>Yet every time people simply just go by the logic of "long post = angry rant" without reading, or when they do read, they skim and just end up misinterpreting what I'm saying anyway.</p> azurelorochi /users/187477 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924812 2019-06-14T02:32:39-04:00 2019-06-14T02:33:30-04:00 @BarefeetChaser on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Death_Usagi said:</p> <p>I will be honest... Yeah I thought people would just laugh at the joke and move on... Didn't expect a long wall of debate...</p> </blockquote><p>Well that's what I thought when I upload <a class="dtext-link" href="/posts/3456678">this</a> , and now some war crime apologist is having a fucking field day here. At least in this post, people addressed the joke. Consider that a win.</p><p>That's Danbooru for ya. Sometimes the walls of texts in comment section are really interesting and informative, but you won't get those all the time.</p> BarefeetChaser /users/99793 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924778 2019-06-13T23:22:11-04:00 2019-06-13T23:55:52-04:00 @azurelorochi on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>slave2thedrago said:</p> <p>stuffs</p> </blockquote><p>Issue here is you just wants people to demonize each other. And <strong>THAT'S</strong> just saying "I'm toxic, you're toxic, we should ALL be toxic.</p><p>And maybe I'm not as mature as I think I am, but I certainly think "hey let's allow everyone to bully each other and let's make building delusional ivory towers out of irrationality and misguidance the norm" is still by far the most immature and irresponsible thing.</p><p>I'm willing to hear the side of the people I'm calling "manchildren". Problem? Again <strong>THEY WON'T CLARIFY BECAUSE THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ENOUGH TO CLARIFY THEIR STANCE</strong>.</p><p>Again, I don't give a damn what you personally do, all I want is both sides, both you and me, the artists and the people who dislike said arts, the gamers, anime fans and outsiders to all be able to sit down, have a mature conversation, and at the end of the day even if we don't agree eye to eye, we'll know better than to try and demonize the other side for the sake of bolstering our own fleeting ego.</p><p>I said I'm fine with the arts existing, not just in this numbers and attitude revolving around said arts. My point is <strong>moderation is key.</strong></p><p>But what do you take from it? That I must HATE all the arts, that I must hate everyone who draws then and enjoys them. <strong>WHEN I HAVE STATED THAT NOT TO BE THE CASE</strong></p><p>Intentionally or not, consciously or not, you're either bending my words, or you're only half listening to what I'm saying, all because it makes it easier to counterattack. Because it makes it easier to call someone else an idiot because you don't, and don't want, to understand their rationale.</p><p>You're more interested in demonizing me than engaging in a mature conversation. You're taking everything as an "all-or-nothing", "if I slightly disagrees with you, then you must be a stuck-up SJW pretend-crusader who's just insecure inside", whoops, there goes any chance of us talking like mature adults then.</p><p>Tell me, am I supposed to take that as mature and non-toxic? I don't like the norm of making the internet shouting grounds where whoever shouts the most insults wins. Exactly because that's how manchildren acts. Exactly because I don't like it when my hobbies became associated with people acting like that.</p><p>If you wanna stick with live and let live, again, fine. You see what I'm doing as a waste of effort? Fine. You disagree with me? <strong>FINE.</strong> Am I cramming my morals down your throat? <strong>I FUCKING AM NOT.</strong> I am explaining my stance, and as someone trying to be mature, I am expecting you to see where I am coming instead of thinking that throwing insults will solve your problem.</p><p>I'm not trying to force you anything. If anything it's you who's forcing me that "I don't care, so now <strong>YOU</strong> are wrong because you care". I'll repeat it again this time so you won't miss it <strong>my point is moderation is key.</strong></p><p>EDIT: And here goes the downvote "because tl;dr"</p> azurelorochi /users/187477 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924775 2019-06-13T23:15:00-04:00 2019-06-13T23:15:00-04:00 @Death_Usagi on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>BarefeetChaser said:</p> <p>What else do you expect? People laughing at the joke? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)</p> </blockquote><p>I will be honest... Yeah I thought people would just laugh at the joke and move on... Didn't expect a long wall of debate... </p> Death_Usagi /users/112960 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924762 2019-06-13T22:10:36-04:00 2019-06-13T22:10:36-04:00 @BarefeetChaser on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Death_Usagi said:</p> <p>Jesus christ, what's up with the Wall of Text here..........</p> </blockquote><p>What else do you expect? People laughing at the joke? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)</p> BarefeetChaser /users/99793 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924752 2019-06-13T21:07:56-04:00 2019-07-09T12:44:33-04:00 @slave2thedrago on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Saladofstones said:</p> <p>I don't see the issue with not liking things that are discriminatory or how this relates to forcing things on other people. An open forum means people can interact on what they like, don't like, and feel should or shouldn't be made. The moment you start going on the train of "you can't say anything bad about what other people like." is when you lose the ground for actual conversation.</p> </blockquote><p>The problem comes when your standards for “discriminatory” don’t match others isn’t it? Because now in your mind the thing is an actual bad “harmful” thing and the people who like/defend it are bad/harmful especially if they DARE be angry at you after you’ve likely called them manbaies or misogynists or toxic or whatever. </p><p>...at least that’s how it usually goes. And then because the people defending it are “bad” there’s no reason to actually listen to their side of things, he’ll, why not just say that fascists or something?</p><p>That is how most of the “actual conversations” on this type of shit go. That’s the level of “actual conversation” that is usually to be had. </p><p>People play games like GTA, they watch shows like the sopranos or dexter, where morally shitty stuff happens. Pokémon is often accused of being magic dog fights. </p><p>Of course it’s possible to have productive conversations about this but starting off a conversation with a moral judgement of what others enjoy is a recipe for not being productive on both points because what reason does anyone have to follow your moral judgements? No one likes being preached to, especially by standards they don’t apply to. </p><p>Now the “forceful” part comes when people actually start being...forceful. When you go around attacking people and insulting them for what they enjoy </p><p>Calling for censorship or people being fired or smearing people, or pressuring people to change which is what often happens. </p><p>Not to mention that whole “open forum” thing doesn’t ususlly fly with the type of moral busybodies who like to go around condemning this stuff it usually only extends to them and the people they like. Not saying that’s you, just saying. </p><p>Personally. I bekeuve in love and let live. There are bound to be plenty of shows that cater to your interests and morals or whatever. Trying to make everyone abide by your morals is pointless and assholish. These people aren’t going to just go away no matter how much you yell at them and they’re more likely to double down if they feel attacked. </p><p>Yes I’m aware “live and let live” is itself a moral standard and the paradoxes and contradictions. </p><p>A good example I think would probably be like religion. If some priest came and told you that what you like is a sin against god you probably wouldn’t care unless you were religious. It’d probably be annoying and come off as maybe even insulting. </p><p>That same thing applies to whatever ideology or philosophy you try to foist on others. </p> slave2thedrago /users/155960 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924723 2019-06-13T17:51:17-04:00 2019-06-13T17:52:08-04:00 @rom_collector on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <p>Agree too. Yet you can't establish a conversation with someone closed minded on their views to the point of not hearing what others think or have to say about. That is exactly when any conversation is lost. They may as well talk to a wall... or with fictional characters they believe have feelings.</p> rom_collector /users/223894 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924720 2019-06-13T17:34:28-04:00 2019-06-13T17:34:28-04:00 @Cliff_Edge on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Death_Usagi said:</p> <p>Jesus christ, what's up with the Wall of Text here..........</p> </blockquote><p>Naremasu yo.</p> Cliff_Edge /users/365153 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924719 2019-06-13T17:34:26-04:00 2019-06-13T17:34:26-04:00 @Saladofstones on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>rom_collector said:<br>The reason you are isolated, shamed or bullied comes because you excluded yourself from them. You want to only talk about things people around you can't understand. And you can't talk about anything else because it's all you know. You never tried what other people like and you won't because you're too focused obliging others to like what they don't.</p></blockquote><p>I don't see the issue with not liking things that are discriminatory or how this relates to forcing things on other people. An open forum means people can interact on what they like, don't like, and feel should or shouldn't be made. The moment you start going on the train of "you can't say anything bad about what other people like." is when you lose the ground for actual conversation. </p> Saladofstones /users/318380 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924715 2019-06-13T17:16:48-04:00 2019-06-13T17:16:48-04:00 @rom_collector on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <p>Agree with slave2thedrago. Tastes are not universal, why should they be unified? Shoving your tastes on other people's throats is not only immature but shows a great insecurity about your own. Same people who think everything has to be politically correct, being inclusive, less sexist, not discriminatory, avoid political views, etc. If such content exists that's all right, it may or may not be for me. I might even give it a try if it didn't pick my interest before. Yet, why there is these immature people acting so proud about what they like only to attack and try to censor what they don't? Have you though the problem is not about the content itself but how you address such content to them? "Here, don't watch that 'crap', watch my 'crap' instead". That's exactly what children and manchildren do. Why should they be interested in your tastes if you don't give a damn about theirs?</p><p>The reason you are isolated, shamed or bullied comes because you excluded yourself from them. You want to only talk about things people around you can't understand. And you can't talk about anything else because it's all you know. You never tried what other people like and you won't because you're too focused obliging others to like what they don't.</p> rom_collector /users/223894 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924713 2019-06-13T17:12:02-04:00 2019-06-13T17:12:02-04:00 @Death_Usagi on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <p>Jesus christ, what's up with the Wall of Text here..........</p> Death_Usagi /users/112960 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924695 2019-06-13T15:36:01-04:00 2019-06-13T15:36:01-04:00 @Ghost_H on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>MisterJuice said:</p> <p>The post you linked is sad, but that's based on real life and a real person.</p> </blockquote><p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ellen-baker-new-horizon">It literally isn't</a>.</p><blockquote><p>Where as these Pokemon characters are fictional. I understand the empathy angle and being invested in fiction, but I think there's a line where people should detach from fiction. In this case this specific image is meant to not be serious. I know you said you're not entirely treating this as fiction, but it is fiction.</p></blockquote><p>Me saying "I'm not entirely treating this as just fiction", doesn't mean I don't know it is fiction, it's just a perspective problem on my side, hence why I said to not mind me too much.</p><p>Also, I have watched Goblin Slayer, and thus, I know that that scene's purpose was "comedic relief" (probably), but I'm afraid that didn't quite work for me... <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0ByT718PpQ">Boozer's jokes worked way better</a>... anyways, again, perspective problem, I'm not saying that the image or the situation are the problem (not saying they aren't either, but that will vary depending on who you ask), but my view of it is negative.<br>Now, I'll stop here, before I make more people mad.</p><blockquote><p>That's your perspective and personal choice with that Pokemon game. I respect that. In my personal opinion this new game will likely be great as it's own thing. I'm hoping it will introduce a lot of great new mechanics &amp; elements for everything it removes/doesn't have, but only time will tell. For now I'm still very excited.</p></blockquote><p>Well, I just hope you like the games then. I also hope that they can manage to convince me back into wanting to buy them, but I will not hold my breath.</p> Ghost_H /users/315328 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924688 2019-06-13T15:08:41-04:00 2019-06-13T15:14:36-04:00 @slave2thedrago on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>azurelorochi said:</p> <p>As said, those weren't my personal opinions but I was just explaining how others feel, though I will talk about those that are my personal opinions.</p> <p>This is the internet age, what you express <strong>IS</strong> what people will interpret as 100% of your identity. If someone can go one post, say "I find this character attractive", then go on another post and discuss something else unrelated to sexual attraction, then fine, but please tell me how people are supposed to interpret those guys who doesn't post anything else except "dayyyum dat booty tho".</p> <p>Heck idol fans are even notorious for acting like that in <strong>REAL LIFE</strong>. That's the definition of toxic fandom.</p> <p>I do, and it's not because people will shame me out of my interest. I don't give a damn about that. What I give a damn about though? Is outsiders thinking that game and anime are "garbage media for kids and manchildren", that outsiders will never want to pick up games and animes <strong>exactly</strong> because the stereotype is all they know about and they wouldn't want to be part of it.</p> <p>For example, parents have a long history of demonizing games because they don't understand them. They won't listen to our side of the story because people doesn't like their preconceived notion to be proved wrong. That's why it is important you fight against those stereotypes if it is what is ultimately is hurting the media you love.</p> <p>And it's counterproductive when "loyal fans" revel in actions that can be easily equated to yelling "WE ARE MANCHILDREN! WE ARE MANCHILDREN! WE DON'T WANT GAMES TO BE SMART WE JUST WANT BOOBIES!"</p> <p>Does it mean lewd fanarts shouldn't exist? No, if the artists actually do have other interests outside of porn. Should it mean games should not be sexual? No, games like Nier:Automata proved you can be sexual and smart at the same time. Does that mean everyone should crusade against them? I don't really care if you do, this is my opinion and I know better than to force feed my opinion down someone else's throat on the internet. I just want you to understand where I'm coming from.</p> <p>I actually want animes and games to be able to discuss matters of sex, sexual relationship, STDs, childhood pregnancy and so forth openly and maturely. Sad thing is that won't happen because the ones with the megaphones are the ones screaming "PORN! PORN! PORN! PORN! PORN!" and therefore sex is treated as a taboo or a joke. Because the people talking about it showed times and times again they can't or just won't approach it maturely.</p> <p>Just like the fight against stereotypes, understanding and compromises is the key to solving the problem, "they won't care to understand me so I won't care to understand them" only make everyone dumb.</p> <p>Again, it's not the issue you can feel something as being attractive, it's the issue when all of your interactions, online or offline, consists of nothing but "dayyum dat booty tho".</p> </blockquote><p>-this kind of asinine thing of applying some arbitrary “label” to an age is exactly the type of simpleminded bullshit that is the overall problem with you and people like you. </p><p>Just like “it’s the current year!” it’s the type of thinking egomaniacs busybodys and authoritarians use to basically act like their behavior is the only acceptable or expected behavior or tahtvgeir worldview is the only onof. </p><p>For instance you thinking that everyone else has such simplistic thinking that they think someone entire life is based on comments on a porn site. </p><p>Not to mention unless you’re stalking these people everywhere you aren’t basing this on anything logical. </p><p>This is just your silly judgement of people who have different interests than you and it’s basically just a meaningless smear no better than a first grade insult. </p><p>Believe it or not people who have different interests than you are full human beings. </p><p>-you do, and that makes you part of the problem like I just said. </p><p>You had it half right with “you won’t undertsbd me so I won’t understand you”</p><p> It let’s make it more accurate </p><p>“You won’t try to understand me so everything you say is irrelevant because...we just got through establishing that you don’t understand what you’re talking about, so go eat a dick.” </p><p>why in the fuck would you put stock in the opinion of someone who literally doesn’t even know what they’re talking about? Do you make a habit of that? Because it would explain a lot. </p><p>There is no compromise with people who don’t care to understand you, especially when all they will do is demonize you in the worst ways. That’s just acquiescence, that’s just surrender. It’s just you giving in to their demands and they’re probably still going to hate you for it. </p><p>The type of dumbass who thinks people who enjoy this type sexuality are “manchildren” is exactly the type of person who will not try to understand or “compromise”. The only “compromise” people like that give is to shame you as, at best, a pathetic subhuman manbaby or at worse, an “incel” or a danger to society, a misogynist, or even worse things and use that as an excuse to treat you like shit and attack what you love maybe even justify government action. </p><p>No it’s not important to fight against any stereotype becaus stereotypes aren’t logical things, and because the stereotype is born of bullshit anyway. </p><p>Moreover there is no compromise here, because compromise is for people who need or want something from eachother your standards are not important to me and I don’t need your approval or anything else from you. There is no need for mainstream “respect”</p><p>There is no need to earn the respect of mainstream have you seen the things mainstream media “respects”?</p><p>Fake outrage, fake virtue, slaves to whatever advertisers and big businesses and hashtags tell them to enjoy. The most shallow, generalized, cookie cutter bullshit. These are the “standards” you want to try and appease.</p><p>Outsiders SHOULDNT pick up anime or video games if they don’t like them. Thats exactly what caused this mess. Outsider standards do not matter, they want things that cater to them and they don’t give a shit about what the thing actually is about. That is what “selling out” is. Either they enjoy for what it is, or they can get the fuck out. </p><p>trying to earn the respect of people who we just established don’t even know what the duck they’re talking about is just dumb and worst of all, it won’t work. Once again why would you base what you do on ignorance?</p><p>You cannot please everyone and it is a waste of time to try and please people who don’t give a shit. There are many mainstream anime and shit. Let them watch that. </p><p>I’m going to keep enjoying the things I want to enjoy and I won’t lwt anyone tell me what I am or am not allowed to enjoy. There is nothing wrong with it and it doesn’t make me less of a person. </p><p>Also there are plenty of things that discuss the subjects you like, Quite frankly I don’t care about what your standards on what “mature” is, because I don’t think you’re as “mature” as you seem to think you are.</p><p>Regardless, there are things out there for you go find them instead of trying to attack other things that aren’t. </p><p>Also a lot of the “fan service” shows you have a problem with have more to them than you give them credit for but you’re too busy judging to notice. They don’t have to be, “dumb” shows have a place too. But if your worldview wasn’t so simple you’d probably have more stuff you enjoy. Just saying. </p><p>-and once again you’re just judging other people’s interests in a shallow way. Some lellle collect stamps. Some peope talk about music all the time. No one has any reason to care what you think especially when you simplify them like that. </p><p>Why would ANYONE listen to you if you talk about them like that? </p><p> Basically the issue is you’re the same type of moral judging loser I was talking about so you get the same middle finger I direct to soccer moms and games journalists who demonize me all day. </p><p>Also you realize a lot of people are obsessed with sex right not just anime fans? There are people who spend all day obsessing over what celebrities look like. </p> slave2thedrago /users/155960 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924682 2019-06-13T14:26:10-04:00 2019-06-13T14:28:16-04:00 @Mithiwithi on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <p>The way I see it is:</p><p>There's nothing wrong with lewds of new and cute character designs (though for a child-oriented work like Pokémon, it's reasonable to want them kept in places where the intended fan base won't stumble across them by mistake).</p><p>There's <em>also</em> nothing wrong with works that depict characters reacting with a realistic level of dismay at finding tons of lewds drawn of them, and such works do not necessarily mean that the <em>artist</em> thinks there's anything wrong with all the lewds.</p> Mithiwithi /users/318978 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924679 2019-06-13T14:13:09-04:00 2019-06-13T14:13:09-04:00 @Cliff_Edge on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCJf816p6Fk">Naremasu yo</a></p> Cliff_Edge /users/365153 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924667 2019-06-13T13:26:19-04:00 2019-06-13T14:21:07-04:00 @azurelorochi on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <p>As said, those weren't my personal opinions but I was just explaining how others feel, though I will talk about those that are my personal opinions.</p><blockquote><p>slave2thedrago said:<br>-No the art doesn’t “drown out” anything. You can still talk about anything and the character still exists. There is no “overwhelming” there are only a handful of pics and they’re just pictures. If you don’t like them, don’t look at them. No one of forcing you to do that. If you want to discuss if she might be a villain? Do that.</p></blockquote><p>Except it totally does. Go on the announcement videos on Youtube and look at the top comments, what do you see? Discussions of Sonia's role? Or "here comes the r34" "I'll give the artists 1 hour tops until the porn comes out" "can't wait to fap to her".</p><p>Granted lengthy discussions also get up buried in the comment section for other reasons such as Youtube comment sorting algorithm or the people's general "tl;dr" attitude, or the fact that yes, at this point there literally isn't much to discuss about at all, but go check reveal videos of something else like BoTW 2 or Death Stranding or Ghostwire Tokyo any other games and what do you find? <strong>People actually talking about the game even though the trailers are just as clueless.</strong></p><blockquote><p>-It’s a strawman to say that peope have nothing on their mind but sex just because they have sexual attraction. Of course they have other interests because they are human beings. </p></blockquote><p>This is the internet age, what you express <strong>IS</strong> what people will interpret as 100% of your identity. If someone can go one post, say "I find this character attractive", then go on another post and discuss something else unrelated to sexual attraction, then fine, but please tell me how people are supposed to interpret those guys who doesn't post anything else except "dayyyum dat booty tho".</p><p>Not to mention, is the fact artists tend to jump onto waifu trend bandwagon for 1 and 2 weeks then completely forget in and of itself indicative that they don't really care what the character has to offer outside of porn?</p><p>Again, how you choose to express yourself is how people will interpret your identity. So how many artists do you think draw lewds of Sonia now that will draw her once again in a non-sexual manner once the game comes out? What is that supposed to say?</p><blockquote><p>-And who gives a FUCK about the “reputation of gamers and anime fans”? Those idiots will<br>Demonize and smear us no matter what. If you let the opinions of those losers shame you out of your interests you ar diary of the problem. If we won’t be proud and stick up for ourselves no one will. </p></blockquote><p>I do, and it's not because people will shame me out of my interest. I don't give a damn about that. What I give a damn about though? Is outsiders thinking that game and anime are "garbage media for kids and manchildren", that outsiders will never want to pick up games and animes <strong>exactly</strong> because the stereotype is all they know about and they wouldn't want to be part of it.</p><p>For example, parents have a long history of demonizing games because they don't understand them. They won't listen to our side of the story because people doesn't like their preconceived notion to be proved wrong. That's why it is important you fight against those stereotypes if it is what is ultimately is hurting the media you love.</p><p>And it's counterproductive when "loyal fans" revel in actions that can be easily equated to yelling "WE ARE MANCHILDREN! WE ARE MANCHILDREN! WE DON'T WANT GAMES TO BE SMART WE JUST WANT BOOBIES!"</p><p>Does it mean lewd fanarts shouldn't exist? No, if the artists actually do have other interests outside of porn. Should it mean games should not be sexual? No, games like Nier:Automata proved you can be sexual and smart at the same time. Does that mean everyone should crusade against them? I don't really care if you do, this is my opinion and I know better than to force feed my opinion down someone else's throat on the internet. I just want you to understand where I'm coming from.</p><p>I actually want animes and games to be able to discuss matters of sex, sexual relationship, STDs, pregnancy and so forth openly and maturely. Sad thing is that won't happen because the ones with the megaphones are the ones screaming "PORN! PORN! PORN! PORN! PORN!" and therefore sex is treated as a taboo or a joke. Because the people talking about it showed times and times again they can't or just won't approach it maturely.</p><p>Just like the fight against stereotypes, understanding and compromises is the key to solving the problem, "they won't care to understand me so I won't care to understand them" only make everyone dumb.</p><blockquote><p>-It’s marketed towards children in some ways but it’s clearly also marketed towards adults who have been playing this</p></blockquote><p>The issue is that in the end, it still is a kid's game, and again it is justifiable if people doesn't want google image search of Sonia and Nessa to be flooded with porns for the 6 years old to randomly find.</p><p>Not to mention that again, compared to the older demographics-oriented waifu-laden JRPGs announced like Fire Emblem or Tales of Arise, they still didn't get this influx of porn. That is what I mean by ironic indecency.</p><blockquote><p>-yes saying that having sexual attraction is lacking in “dignity” IS demonizing. It at least shows open contempt. </p></blockquote><p>Again, it's not the issue you can feel something as being attractive, it's the issue when all of your interactions, online or offline, consists of nothing but "dayyum dat booty tho".</p> azurelorochi /users/187477 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924652 2019-06-13T12:16:27-04:00 2019-06-13T12:16:50-04:00 @Garrus on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <p><em>Why should anyone give a flying fuck about the porn!?</em> Enjoy it or not, I don't give a damn, but it's damn hard for me to think of anything stupider than people getting mad about a fictional character getting porn drawn of them. It's called rule 34 of the internet for a reason, just ignore it and move along.</p> Garrus /users/513931 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1924622 2019-06-13T09:07:35-04:00 2019-06-13T09:07:35-04:00 @rom_collector on post #3535486 (rurina and sonia (pokemon and 3 more) drawn by pae_(ac40935_m41)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/bc/3d/bc3d0b1c538aa2064d2fdc88c76d55a6.jpg"/> <p>Nintendo hardcore fans proving again they are Nintendo's worst enemy. No one here cares about Nintendo characters and then "boom" a Direct appears and they all crawl out of their hideouts posting everywhere. It's okay to sexualize their furry deviations (the pokemons themselves), but Miyamoto (a.k.a God) forbids if an animated human character gets the same treatment. Just check at any Nintendo Championship Tournament and look how they are, not even a decent haircut. Nintendo is of those who does the best products (mainly aimed at children) and yet these people take over and ruin everything. :/</p><p>In a week or two no one will talk about Nintendo again, unless yet another Direct comes or something else becomes a meme.</p> rom_collector /users/223894