tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3832094 2020-06-01T21:16:29-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1994948 2020-04-04T23:13:04-04:00 2020-06-01T21:16:29-04:00 @L_of_Shame on post #3832094 (fujiwara no mokou (touhou) drawn by shangguan_feiying) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/0d/7f/0d7fcb14721c9e478a02f76a9282e105.jpg"/> <p>New York City has become the (american) epicenter of the pandemic. I live in Rensselaer County, about 120 miles north of NYC. The virus hasn't hit the greater state that hard, but that's due to the sparser population, the city's death rate is climbing day by day-- it's devastating.</p><p>Sorry to only talk about myself, I know it's hard everywhere on Earth right now. I just wonder how long it will be until the upstate hospitals start renting refrigerated trucks as stopgap morgues... gruesome, but likely.</p><p>(funny that the discussion spawned from a misunderstanding of feiying's meme)</p> L_of_Shame /users/364853 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1992319 2020-03-26T11:15:30-04:00 2020-03-26T23:59:59-04:00 @k2NeXTTUNE on post #3832094 (fujiwara no mokou (touhou) drawn by shangguan_feiying) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/0d/7f/0d7fcb14721c9e478a02f76a9282e105.jpg"/> <p>Ah...This actually comes from a Chinese meme.<br>大司马,a famous game broadcaster (IDk how do u guys describe these people).On one night,he broadcasted PVZ and tries to imitate what Crazy Dave says.What he imitates is so funny that the sound is 空耳ed.空耳 is an action of listening a sound and tries to use the words in your mother language that has a similar sound and replace it to create a n effect of humour.And here's the original 空耳 text(in Chinese)<br>"歪比巴卜?歪比巴卜?Are you good 马来西亚?"<br>"马来西亚" is the Chinese name for Malaysia.<br>(Obviously meaningless but looks pretty funny.)<br>BTW the original video is named "Encoded Calling"</p> k2NeXTTUNE /users/738010 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1992271 2020-03-26T07:18:40-04:00 2020-03-26T07:18:40-04:00 @Sigfried666 on post #3832094 (fujiwara no mokou (touhou) drawn by shangguan_feiying) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/0d/7f/0d7fcb14721c9e478a02f76a9282e105.jpg"/> <p>I'm bored as hell here in Brazil.<br>Good to know you guys are doing fine.<br>Let's do our part in surviving this challange.<br>Hoping for the best for us all.</p> Sigfried666 /users/12680 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1992263 2020-03-26T05:51:52-04:00 2020-03-26T05:51:52-04:00 @PikaFan15 on post #3832094 (fujiwara no mokou (touhou) drawn by shangguan_feiying) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/0d/7f/0d7fcb14721c9e478a02f76a9282e105.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>SerialBus500 said:</p> <p>Malaysian here. The movement restriction order bores the hell out of me, to be honest, but there's nothing I can do even if I'm allowed to go out anyway.</p> <p>Still amused (and grateful) that the artist'd be concerned about us here, though.</p> </blockquote><p>Glad you're doing good over there, not much to do over here in the United States either. It's going to be great when it's all over. </p> PikaFan15 /users/514151 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1991507 2020-03-23T16:09:49-04:00 2020-03-23T16:09:49-04:00 @arcmage on post #3832094 (fujiwara no mokou (touhou) drawn by shangguan_feiying) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/0d/7f/0d7fcb14721c9e478a02f76a9282e105.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>SerialBus500 said:</p> <p>Malaysian here. The movement restriction order bores the hell out of me, to be honest, but there's nothing I can do even if I'm allowed to go out anyway.</p> <p>Still amused (and grateful) that the artist'd be concerned about us here, though.</p> </blockquote><p>I'm glad you're good tho</p> arcmage /users/46507 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1991366 2020-03-23T04:27:58-04:00 2020-03-23T04:27:58-04:00 @SerialBus500 on post #3832094 (fujiwara no mokou (touhou) drawn by shangguan_feiying) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/0d/7f/0d7fcb14721c9e478a02f76a9282e105.jpg"/> <p>Malaysian here. The movement restriction order bores the hell out of me, to be honest, but there's nothing I can do even if I'm allowed to go out anyway.</p><p>Still amused (and grateful) that the artist'd be concerned about us here, though.</p> SerialBus500 /users/333448