tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #457910 2015-01-29T01:37:12-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1351892 2015-01-29T01:37:12-05:00 2015-01-29T01:37:12-05:00 @Arachnos on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>mangadaemon said:</p> <p>Patchy quite clearing in this is trying to get people to call Meiling China. Though I am somewhat curious as to why she's do that...</p> </blockquote><p>Because Patchy is actually kind of an abrasive, snarky asshole. (Granted, that's a description that applies to almost everyone in Gensokyo).</p> Arachnos /users/342212 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/870871 2011-08-26T20:20:34-04:00 2011-08-26T20:20:34-04:00 @Moruno on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <p>Well, I should say that she isn't even a slow learner. She is indeed smart and maybe even a genius(Well, among the fairies she is a genius undoubtedly), but her problem is that she just luke other fairies doesn't bother to seek knowledge like humans. She just wants to have fun, not to learn about the world.<br>...disregard that, it isn't a problem, she lives better that way. And if she wants to know something... she will learn it, and quite fast. So never ever let her to talk to Okuu outside the nuclar furnace.</p> Moruno /users/352705 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/833005 2011-06-28T01:43:20-04:00 2011-06-28T01:43:20-04:00 @banmenot on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TooDumbToFool">«Well, she can't outsmart me, 'cause I'm a moron!»</a></p> banmenot /users/246495 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/825290 2011-06-16T05:17:12-04:00 2011-06-16T05:17:12-04:00 @Piemur1 on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <p>and everyone somehow seems to be forgetting that Cirno was the only one to know what was going on in PoFV from the beginning. She's actually a slow learner, but what she does know she remembers pretty well. Meiling had been trying to tell everyone from the beginning that her name wasn't China, and Cirno somehow learned that. She's perceptive, but not smart...if that makes any sense...</p> Piemur1 /users/347542 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/815850 2011-06-02T03:01:01-04:00 2011-06-02T03:01:01-04:00 @Inukazan on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Cirno said:<br>patchouli was so surprised! "Knowledge" isn't that wise!</p></blockquote><p>...Okay now she's a poet to. *Slow applaude*</p> Inukazan /users/342695 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/704927 2011-01-04T20:29:19-05:00 2011-01-04T20:29:19-05:00 @Red_Inugami on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>KendraKirai said:<br>...this ALSO means she wasn't teachable.</p></blockquote><p>Or it simply means she's smarter than "dirt-stupid" and thus not gullible enough to be fooled. Cirno's not bright, but she's smarter as well as stronger than most fairies.</p> Red_Inugami /users/244411 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/526009 2010-06-07T05:00:06-04:00 2010-06-07T05:00:06-04:00 @ChaoticJ on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>cerevox said:<br>Cirno is really the smartest. After all, we already know that she counts in base 9 naturally.</p></blockquote><p><a class="dtext-link dtext-id-link dtext-post-id-link" href="/posts/439608">post #439608</a> supports your theory whole-heartedly.</p> ChaoticJ /users/149368 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/471931 2010-04-09T21:04:35-04:00 2010-04-09T21:04:35-04:00 @ryuukami123 on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <p>added hard translated version</p> ryuukami123 /users/180387 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/459302 2010-03-26T23:37:54-04:00 2010-03-26T23:37:54-04:00 @Devonian on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <p>Cirno's so stupid she loops back around to smart?</p> Devonian /users/96622 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/416532 2010-02-16T15:08:37-05:00 2010-02-16T15:08:37-05:00 @cerevox on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <p>Cirno is really the smartest. After all, we already know that she counts in base 9 naturally.</p> cerevox /users/106007 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/415888 2010-02-15T23:39:13-05:00 2010-02-15T23:39:13-05:00 @mangadaemon on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <p>Patchy quite clearing in this is trying to get people to call Meiling China. Though I am somewhat curious as to why she's do that...</p> mangadaemon /users/57830 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/410332 2010-02-10T15:54:37-05:00 2010-02-10T15:54:37-05:00 @disinvest on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>KendraKirai said:<br>Of course...</p> <p>....this ALSO means she wasn't teachable. Remember, Patchy was trying to teach the fairies that Meiling's name was written Hong Meiling but pronounced China.</p> <p>Cirno was either smarter than them and knew the truth...<br>....or she wasn't smart enough to learn it. :)</p> </blockquote><p>There is no proof that Patchy taught the fairies anything.<br>It seemed to me that Patchy was just getting Meiling out of trouble.</p> disinvest /users/297812 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/341748 2009-12-03T09:42:36-05:00 2009-12-03T09:42:36-05:00 @mangadaemon on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>KendraKirai said:<br>Cirno was either smarter than them and knew the truth...<br>....or she wasn't smart enough to learn it. :)</p></blockquote><p>I'd say smarter. Cirno is after all one of the few fairies that can read.. :P</p> mangadaemon /users/57830 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/340323 2009-12-02T00:16:43-05:00 2009-12-02T00:16:43-05:00 @KendraKirai on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <p>Of course...</p><p>....this ALSO means she wasn't teachable. Remember, Patchy was trying to teach the fairies that Meiling's name was written Hong Meiling but pronounced China.</p><p>Cirno was either smarter than them and knew the truth...<br>....or she wasn't smart enough to learn it. :)</p> KendraKirai /users/105142 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/251897 2009-08-18T13:41:36-04:00 2009-08-18T13:41:36-04:00 @SonicGTR on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <p>Cirno calling herself a genius. What's next? The new Queen of <span class="spoiler">Popsicles</span>?</p> SonicGTR /users/126141 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/242438 2009-08-03T15:34:50-04:00 2009-08-03T15:34:50-04:00 @superclack on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <p>Cirno love</p> superclack /users/10217 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/206631 2009-05-21T20:14:35-04:00 2009-05-21T20:14:35-04:00 @Krugger on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <p>She truly is the strongest</p> Krugger /users/108584 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/206545 2009-05-21T16:30:46-04:00 2009-05-21T16:30:46-04:00 @Siegmund on post #457910 (patchouli knowledge, cirno, hong meiling, and fairy maid (touhou) drawn by morino_hon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/73/bd/73bd61214d22f5d519cbb9a62cabf0f3.jpg"/> <p>Awww that's so sweet.</p> Siegmund /users/107479