tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #567304 2014-10-28T09:41:24-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1319240 2014-10-28T09:41:24-04:00 2014-10-28T09:41:24-04:00 @astarte952 on post #567304 (hino rei and sailor mars (bishoujo senshi sailor moon) drawn by mr._r_(2ch's_sailor_moon_thread)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/99/17/9917326c546928447ff3b8ba91718dc0.jpg"/> <p>that´s the evil spirit in her eyes.</p> astarte952 /users/206391 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/536381 2010-06-18T08:01:20-04:00 2010-06-18T08:01:20-04:00 @GreenDrag on post #567304 (hino rei and sailor mars (bishoujo senshi sailor moon) drawn by mr._r_(2ch's_sailor_moon_thread)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/99/17/9917326c546928447ff3b8ba91718dc0.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>vampire~muffin said:<br>this guy is RAPING a chick &amp; you're fighting over why he looks tanned?</p> <p>o-o;</p> </blockquote><p>rape is everywhere, and we're used to it... thus the most interesting topic here is the skincolor...</p> GreenDrag /users/258270 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/534881 2010-06-16T17:02:55-04:00 2010-06-16T17:02:55-04:00 @-1964- on post #567304 (hino rei and sailor mars (bishoujo senshi sailor moon) drawn by mr._r_(2ch's_sailor_moon_thread)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/99/17/9917326c546928447ff3b8ba91718dc0.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>vampire~muffin said:<br>this guy is RAPING a chick &amp; you're fighting over why he looks tanned?</p> <p>o-o;</p> </blockquote><p>What's wrong about rape?</p> -1964- /users/325593 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/534851 2010-06-16T16:20:06-04:00 2010-06-16T16:20:06-04:00 @vampire~muffin on post #567304 (hino rei and sailor mars (bishoujo senshi sailor moon) drawn by mr._r_(2ch's_sailor_moon_thread)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/99/17/9917326c546928447ff3b8ba91718dc0.jpg"/> <p>this guy is RAPING a chick &amp; you're fighting over why he looks tanned?</p><p>o-o;</p> vampire~muffin /users/107279 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/422100 2010-02-22T05:39:30-05:00 2010-02-22T05:39:30-05:00 @quipi on post #567304 (hino rei and sailor mars (bishoujo senshi sailor moon) drawn by mr._r_(2ch's_sailor_moon_thread)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/99/17/9917326c546928447ff3b8ba91718dc0.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Aline said:<br>Or perhaps he's just half-latino.</p></blockquote><p>Or, or!...perhaps he's just Japanese. Most Japanese people aren't as pale as portrayed in anime. It's more of an individual thing.</p> quipi /users/179482 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/397196 2010-01-28T03:58:42-05:00 2010-01-28T03:58:42-05:00 @DDC on post #567304 (hino rei and sailor mars (bishoujo senshi sailor moon) drawn by mr._r_(2ch's_sailor_moon_thread)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/99/17/9917326c546928447ff3b8ba91718dc0.jpg"/> <p>The answer is the solarioum. :S</p> DDC /users/125660 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/376419 2010-01-06T21:01:00-05:00 2010-01-06T21:01:00-05:00 @Kurostrike on post #567304 (hino rei and sailor mars (bishoujo senshi sailor moon) drawn by mr._r_(2ch's_sailor_moon_thread)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/99/17/9917326c546928447ff3b8ba91718dc0.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Velcrostraps said:<br>At first I thought this guy might be a crazy shut-in, but then I noticed that he's actually got a nice, healthy dark skin-tone, so he's obviously getting out in the sun a fair bit.</p></blockquote><p>He's just Japanese. Japanese people aren't so white.</p> Kurostrike /users/104381 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/338068 2009-11-29T20:13:03-05:00 2009-11-29T20:13:03-05:00 @LordAnubis on post #567304 (hino rei and sailor mars (bishoujo senshi sailor moon) drawn by mr._r_(2ch's_sailor_moon_thread)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/99/17/9917326c546928447ff3b8ba91718dc0.jpg"/> <p>probably spent a lot of time outside stalking his victims.<br>so much for "at least it gets him out of the house"</p> LordAnubis /users/108981 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/337799 2009-11-29T16:05:37-05:00 2009-11-29T16:05:37-05:00 @Hakura on post #567304 (hino rei and sailor mars (bishoujo senshi sailor moon) drawn by mr._r_(2ch's_sailor_moon_thread)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/99/17/9917326c546928447ff3b8ba91718dc0.jpg"/> <p>Well, no matter what you have got to give him some credit for persistence.</p> Hakura /users/10702 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/337184 2009-11-29T02:53:49-05:00 2009-11-29T02:53:49-05:00 @Aline on post #567304 (hino rei and sailor mars (bishoujo senshi sailor moon) drawn by mr._r_(2ch's_sailor_moon_thread)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/99/17/9917326c546928447ff3b8ba91718dc0.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Velcrostraps said:<br>At first I thought this guy might be a crazy shut-in, but then I noticed that he's actually got a nice, healthy dark skin-tone, so he's obviously getting out in the sun a fair bit.</p></blockquote><p>Or perhaps he's just half-latino.</p> Aline /users/17837 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/337021 2009-11-28T22:01:39-05:00 2009-11-28T22:01:39-05:00 @Velcrostraps on post #567304 (hino rei and sailor mars (bishoujo senshi sailor moon) drawn by mr._r_(2ch's_sailor_moon_thread)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/99/17/9917326c546928447ff3b8ba91718dc0.jpg"/> <p>At first I thought this guy might be a crazy shut-in, but then I noticed that he's actually got a nice, healthy dark skin-tone, so he's obviously getting out in the sun a fair bit.</p> Velcrostraps /users/81588