tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #578567 2010-01-06T09:44:02-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/375785 2010-01-06T09:44:02-05:00 2010-01-06T09:44:02-05:00 @Steak on post #578567 (shirayuki kanna (onihime vs) drawn by kim_kwang_hyun) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/11/8e11c2cb321e8d9970a03f72fe6ed54d.jpg"/> <p>Ah, well, Onihime is my favorite of their works, although the only other one I read is the Legend of Manaan. The others aren't very good I think.</p> Steak /users/196529 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/368870 2009-12-30T03:21:53-05:00 2009-12-30T03:21:53-05:00 @muni2000 on post #578567 (shirayuki kanna (onihime vs) drawn by kim_kwang_hyun) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/11/8e11c2cb321e8d9970a03f72fe6ed54d.jpg"/> <p>"moonzero" is preject team in S.Korea</p><p>Dal-young,Lim, Leader of moonzero, is writer of fantasy. He is famous writer in S.Korea.</p><p>He made stories Unbalace X2, Onihime, Zero, etc.</p> muni2000 /users/78756 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/356151 2009-12-16T11:28:41-05:00 2009-12-16T11:28:41-05:00 @Steak on post #578567 (shirayuki kanna (onihime vs) drawn by kim_kwang_hyun) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/11/8e11c2cb321e8d9970a03f72fe6ed54d.jpg"/> <p>Why "moonzero"? I thought it was by the same guy that made Unbalancex2?</p> Steak /users/196529 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/356015 2009-12-16T08:48:46-05:00 2009-12-16T08:48:46-05:00 @Steak on post #578567 (shirayuki kanna (onihime vs) drawn by kim_kwang_hyun) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/11/8e11c2cb321e8d9970a03f72fe6ed54d.jpg"/> <p>Indeed.</p> Steak /users/196529 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/355996 2009-12-16T08:16:26-05:00 2009-12-16T08:16:26-05:00 @Animefenrir on post #578567 (shirayuki kanna (onihime vs) drawn by kim_kwang_hyun) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/11/8e11c2cb321e8d9970a03f72fe6ed54d.jpg"/> <p>I don't care from what anime is she from, the only thing we have to know is... SHE'S SO DAMN HOT! &gt;.&gt;;</p> Animefenrir /users/204217 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/354743 2009-12-15T03:44:12-05:00 2009-12-15T03:44:12-05:00 @DukeKnight on post #578567 (shirayuki kanna (onihime vs) drawn by kim_kwang_hyun) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/8e/11/8e11c2cb321e8d9970a03f72fe6ed54d.jpg"/> <p>That's Kanna from Onihime Vs.</p> DukeKnight /users/16729