tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #646987 2010-04-25T20:30:17-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/487239 2010-04-25T20:30:17-04:00 2010-04-25T20:30:17-04:00 @tainted4u on post #646987 (kinoshita hideyoshi and kinoshita yuuko (baka to test to shoukanjuu) drawn by youjohan) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b2/a8/b2a837517b5ec4aca333d43ed2465bdb.jpg"/> <p>I remember somewhere in this large lsit of comments there was the topic of why Yuuko has the same hair as Hideyoshi. We should return to this. Also, anyone else notice she only has two of his fingers holding him into that lock? Epic grip strength, that one. XD</p> tainted4u /users/208013 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/472959 2010-04-10T23:47:16-04:00 2010-04-10T23:47:16-04:00 @sgcdonmai on post #646987 (kinoshita hideyoshi and kinoshita yuuko (baka to test to shoukanjuu) drawn by youjohan) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b2/a8/b2a837517b5ec4aca333d43ed2465bdb.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Byakugan01 said:<br>The site admins should really take Justy's idea of making flagging un-anonymous to heart...</p></blockquote><p>No. That's a foolish idea at <em>best</em>. The admins can see who flagged what, and that's more than enough. If there's abuse going on, they have the authority to do something about it; everyone else should shut up and accept the mods' judgment.</p><p>Really, all flagging does is return an image to the moderation queue for re-review. If a Janitor thinks it's worth keeping on the site, they'll just re-approve it, and that's the end of that.</p><blockquote> <p>Justy said:<br>If they aren't willing to accept liability for their reasoning (which is sometimes really awkward), then I'm perfectly fine with them not flagging anything at all.</p> <p>And mail assaults? Are you still serious... and sober?</p> </blockquote><p>Every user is already liable to the mods, and they're the only ones whose judgment matters in that regard. Yours (and mine) means about as much as a fart in the wind.</p><p>And worse attempts at harassment and retribution have occurred, and still do on occasion.</p><blockquote><p>Justy said:<br>Well then. I'm finished checking the flagged posts. <br>In more than half of them, the flagger either dug up a four years old gif, or flagged for "bad art" in a really questionable case.</p></blockquote><p>Posts made more than 2 years ago (I think; sometime around then) were made before there was a moderation queue system, thus, no review of quality had been done. Flagging old posts for review is one of the intended uses of the unapproval system.<br>Also, if a user thinks the art is bad enough to flag for, let them. As I said before, if a mod or janitor disagrees, they'll just re-approve the image, no harm done.</p><blockquote><p>I can't get rid of the impression that it's always the same bunch of kids with Asperger syndrome doing this, with the intent being rather a simple power trip than quality control.</p></blockquote><p>I can't help but think you need to chill out, and stop making wild assumptions and insulting implications.</p> sgcdonmai /users/21085 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/468986 2010-04-06T15:42:26-04:00 2010-04-06T15:42:26-04:00 @Justy on post #646987 (kinoshita hideyoshi and kinoshita yuuko (baka to test to shoukanjuu) drawn by youjohan) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b2/a8/b2a837517b5ec4aca333d43ed2465bdb.jpg"/> <p>Well then. I'm finished checking the flagged posts. <br>In more than half of them, the flagger either dug up a four years old gif, or flagged for "bad art" in a really questionable case.</p><p>I can't get rid of the impression that it's always the same bunch of kids with Asperger syndrome doing this, with the intent being rather a simple power trip than quality control.</p> Justy /users/96341 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/468941 2010-04-06T14:27:53-04:00 2010-04-06T14:27:53-04:00 @GreenDrag on post #646987 (kinoshita hideyoshi and kinoshita yuuko (baka to test to shoukanjuu) drawn by youjohan) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b2/a8/b2a837517b5ec4aca333d43ed2465bdb.jpg"/> <p>Where's the dab feet? The one on the top has her legs crossed, so no problem there... The guy has got only a portion of his shoe showing, making it hard to decide, but I'd say it's OK...</p> GreenDrag /users/258270 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/468932 2010-04-06T14:11:45-04:00 2010-04-06T14:11:45-04:00 @Justy on post #646987 (kinoshita hideyoshi and kinoshita yuuko (baka to test to shoukanjuu) drawn by youjohan) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b2/a8/b2a837517b5ec4aca333d43ed2465bdb.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Mr_GT said:<br>That's what someone else said around last year, but I haven't seen him/her actually take responsibility for his/her actions yet. So far I only seen one people openly say "I flagged this image for..." and that was a test-janitor.</p></blockquote><p>Which is pretty sad.</p><blockquote><p>Mr_GT said:<br>Jesus...you make it like I said something completely crazy. Sure getting "death" threats from any internet message get be laughed at (Seriously, what's the odds of some complete stranger actually know where you live and have plans on coming over to do something to you?), but I would really hate getting dozens of petty messages from angry posters in my Dmail. That stupid-ass green bar doesn't disappear until you actually read the mail(s) received. Spending all day checking your mail as read is just as tedious and unnecessary as actually going through each message and reading them.</p></blockquote><p>Sure, it would be probably annoying, but I'm sure some well-deserved negatives and/or bans would solve this little inconvenience quickly and with overall benefit to the quality of the site.</p> Justy /users/96341 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/468835 2010-04-06T11:38:20-04:00 2010-04-06T11:38:20-04:00 @Mr_GT on post #646987 (kinoshita hideyoshi and kinoshita yuuko (baka to test to shoukanjuu) drawn by youjohan) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b2/a8/b2a837517b5ec4aca333d43ed2465bdb.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Justy said:<br>If they aren't willing to accept liability for their reasoning (which is sometimes really awkward), then I'm perfectly fine with them not flagging anything at all.</p></blockquote><p>That's what someone else said around last year, but I haven't seen him/her actually take responsibility for his/her actions yet. So far I only seen one people openly say "I flagged this image for..." and that was a test-janitor.</p><blockquote><p>Justy said:<br>And mail assaults? Are you still serious... and sober?</p></blockquote><p>Jesus...you make it like I said something completely crazy. Sure getting "death" threats from any internet message get be laughed at (Seriously, what's the odds of some complete stranger actually know where you live and have plans on coming over to do something to you?), but I would really hate getting dozens of petty messages from angry posters in my Dmail. That stupid-ass green bar doesn't disappear until you actually read the mail(s) received. Spending all day checking your mail as read is just as tedious and unnecessary as actually going through each message and reading them.</p> Mr_GT /users/102191 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/468815 2010-04-06T11:19:54-04:00 2010-04-06T11:19:54-04:00 @Justy on post #646987 (kinoshita hideyoshi and kinoshita yuuko (baka to test to shoukanjuu) drawn by youjohan) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b2/a8/b2a837517b5ec4aca333d43ed2465bdb.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Mr_GT said:<br>Then people wouldn't flag anything in fear of butt-hurted fan/users assaulting him/her through Dmail.</p></blockquote><p>If they aren't willing to accept liability for their reasoning (which is sometimes really awkward), then I'm perfectly fine with them not flagging anything at all.</p><p>And mail assaults? Are you still serious... and sober?</p> Justy /users/96341 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/468808 2010-04-06T11:05:32-04:00 2010-04-06T11:05:32-04:00 @Mr_GT on post #646987 (kinoshita hideyoshi and kinoshita yuuko (baka to test to shoukanjuu) drawn by youjohan) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b2/a8/b2a837517b5ec4aca333d43ed2465bdb.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Byakugan01 said:<br>The site admins should really take Justy's idea of making flagging un-anonymous to heart...</p></blockquote><p>Then people wouldn't flag anything in fear of butt-hurted fan/users assaulting him/her through Dmail.</p> Mr_GT /users/102191 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/468804 2010-04-06T10:54:55-04:00 2010-04-06T10:54:55-04:00 @Byakugan01 on post #646987 (kinoshita hideyoshi and kinoshita yuuko (baka to test to shoukanjuu) drawn by youjohan) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b2/a8/b2a837517b5ec4aca333d43ed2465bdb.jpg"/> <p>The site admins should really take Justy's idea of making flagging un-anonymous to heart...</p> Byakugan01 /users/143836 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/466470 2010-04-03T22:39:03-04:00 2010-04-03T22:39:03-04:00 @XellosPL on post #646987 (kinoshita hideyoshi and kinoshita yuuko (baka to test to shoukanjuu) drawn by youjohan) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b2/a8/b2a837517b5ec4aca333d43ed2465bdb.jpg"/> <p>Dual persona?</p> XellosPL /users/16413 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/465872 2010-04-03T07:46:35-04:00 2010-04-03T07:46:35-04:00 @conis on post #646987 (kinoshita hideyoshi and kinoshita yuuko (baka to test to shoukanjuu) drawn by youjohan) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b2/a8/b2a837517b5ec4aca333d43ed2465bdb.jpg"/> <p>i thought yuuko only wear 1 hairclip?</p> conis /users/22243