tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #706138 2010-09-28T07:32:43-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/624857 2010-09-28T07:32:43-04:00 2010-09-28T07:32:43-04:00 @Hiaki on post #706138 (mermaid (monster girl encyclopedia) drawn by kenkou_cross) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ff/3f/ff3f06f3d79ed3dcc6c2de195e55a2b4.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Keo said:<br>But that would take away the joy and excitingment of searching for the hole. It'll be like an Indiana Jones movie.</p></blockquote><p>Suddenly, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" has an entirely new meaning to me now.</p> Hiaki /users/303702 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/562021 2010-07-17T08:59:36-04:00 2010-07-17T08:59:36-04:00 @Chiral on post #706138 (mermaid (monster girl encyclopedia) drawn by kenkou_cross) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ff/3f/ff3f06f3d79ed3dcc6c2de195e55a2b4.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Keo said:<br>But that would take away the joy and excitingment of searching for the hole. It'll be like an Indiana Jones movie.</p></blockquote><p>It must be a blast waking up every day with your thought process.</p> Chiral /users/153034 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/560130 2010-07-15T08:02:22-04:00 2010-07-15T08:02:22-04:00 @Kendai on post #706138 (mermaid (monster girl encyclopedia) drawn by kenkou_cross) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ff/3f/ff3f06f3d79ed3dcc6c2de195e55a2b4.jpg"/> <p>Common practice in ero work has the human part extending low enough in front for human genitalia to be included.</p> Kendai /users/208431 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/559679 2010-07-14T18:11:29-04:00 2010-07-14T18:11:29-04:00 @Keo on post #706138 (mermaid (monster girl encyclopedia) drawn by kenkou_cross) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ff/3f/ff3f06f3d79ed3dcc6c2de195e55a2b4.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Tetsamaru said:<br>You say it like your "Spouse" isnt just going to tell you where her Vagina is.</p></blockquote><p>But that would take away the joy and excitingment of searching for the hole. It'll be like an Indiana Jones movie.</p> Keo /users/107321 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/559336 2010-07-14T09:54:06-04:00 2010-07-14T09:54:06-04:00 @Tetsamaru on post #706138 (mermaid (monster girl encyclopedia) drawn by kenkou_cross) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ff/3f/ff3f06f3d79ed3dcc6c2de195e55a2b4.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Keo said:<br>I bet finding the hole to insert your manhood in will probably take longer then the intercourse itself, lol.</p></blockquote><p>You say it like your "Spouse" isnt just going to tell you where her Vagina is.</p> Tetsamaru /users/99753 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/559129 2010-07-14T04:17:32-04:00 2010-07-14T04:17:32-04:00 @astarte952 on post #706138 (mermaid (monster girl encyclopedia) drawn by kenkou_cross) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ff/3f/ff3f06f3d79ed3dcc6c2de195e55a2b4.jpg"/> <p>sex with a mermaid is not difficult because the vagina is inside her body and must open when they have sex with a man. you can find this by the lamia too even is the monster male this is the same. this elementary school knowledge from biology. </p> astarte952 /users/206391 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/558868 2010-07-13T20:10:27-04:00 2010-07-13T20:10:27-04:00 @Keo on post #706138 (mermaid (monster girl encyclopedia) drawn by kenkou_cross) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ff/3f/ff3f06f3d79ed3dcc6c2de195e55a2b4.jpg"/> <p>I never understand how your penis can be inserted into them mermaids without having some technical difficulty somehow. I bet finding the hole to insert your manhood in will probably take longer then the intercourse itself, lol.</p> Keo /users/107321 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/558853 2010-07-13T19:45:07-04:00 2010-07-13T19:45:07-04:00 @jbrennan on post #706138 (mermaid (monster girl encyclopedia) drawn by kenkou_cross) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ff/3f/ff3f06f3d79ed3dcc6c2de195e55a2b4.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>reapergundam said:<br>didn't they already do her? if so, what's new???</p></blockquote><p>This is one of kenkou's updates, so the art is new and the entry is expanded and changed.</p> jbrennan /users/105504 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/558789 2010-07-13T18:22:26-04:00 2010-07-13T18:22:26-04:00 @Connie_Edogawa on post #706138 (mermaid (monster girl encyclopedia) drawn by kenkou_cross) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ff/3f/ff3f06f3d79ed3dcc6c2de195e55a2b4.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>reapergundam said:<br>didn't they already do her? if so, what's new???</p></blockquote><p>well, the art, for one.</p> Connie_Edogawa /users/111238 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/558651 2010-07-13T15:11:12-04:00 2010-07-13T15:11:12-04:00 @reapergundam on post #706138 (mermaid (monster girl encyclopedia) drawn by kenkou_cross) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ff/3f/ff3f06f3d79ed3dcc6c2de195e55a2b4.jpg"/> <p>didn't they already do her? if so, what's new???</p> reapergundam /users/168600 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/558588 2010-07-13T13:59:05-04:00 2010-07-13T13:59:05-04:00 @Connie_Edogawa on post #706138 (mermaid (monster girl encyclopedia) drawn by kenkou_cross) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ff/3f/ff3f06f3d79ed3dcc6c2de195e55a2b4.jpg"/> <p>i love the new look.</p> Connie_Edogawa /users/111238