tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #708408 2014-01-14T04:13:48-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1230157 2014-01-14T04:13:48-05:00 2014-01-14T04:13:48-05:00 @bitofhope on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <p>At least it's healthier when teleported straight from the bladder. Urine is sterile and is only contaminated when it comes to the end of the urethra.</p> bitofhope /users/395333 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1168042 2013-06-27T11:31:59-04:00 2013-06-27T11:31:59-04:00 @arisboch on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <p>There is an saying, that exists in all three languages I speak and it applies here: "IGNORANCE IS BLISS"!</p> arisboch /users/396439 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1033037 2012-06-23T12:02:10-04:00 2012-06-23T12:02:10-04:00 @AbatedDust on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>piespy said:<br>Since she teleports by exchanging places with whatever she's teleporting to, I suppose she just needs to be in contact with air and teleport it away, to be replaced with whatever she wants.</p></blockquote><p>Close, but Kuroko explained her power a few times, stating that whatever she's in contact with can be teleported elsewhere, and whatever is teleported displaces, not swaps places with, whatever matter is already there.</p> AbatedDust /users/181698 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/962561 2012-02-01T13:11:03-05:00 2012-02-01T13:11:03-05:00 @KyteM on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <p>She just needs to exchange the contents of a water bottle.</p> KyteM /users/186589 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/769661 2011-03-31T12:45:56-04:00 2011-03-31T12:45:56-04:00 @thatother1dude on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>piespy said:<br>Since she teleports by exchanging places with whatever she's teleporting to, I suppose she just needs to be in contact with air and teleport it away, to be replaced with whatever she wants.</p></blockquote><p>Yeah, I don't think air in Mikoto's bladder would be good for her; she's not a fish.</p> thatother1dude /users/124886 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/623099 2010-09-25T22:23:43-04:00 2010-09-25T22:23:43-04:00 @Nietono on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <p>Kuroko... you've gone too far.</p> Nietono /users/325664 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/582273 2010-08-09T17:01:03-04:00 2010-08-09T17:01:03-04:00 @wanchan on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <p>In a similar, but even more icky vein..<br><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&amp;illust_id=12168631">http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&amp;illust_id=12168631</a></p> wanchan /users/1137 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/568696 2010-07-25T08:08:46-04:00 2010-07-25T08:08:46-04:00 @piespy on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Reewee said:<br>But kuroko's power requires her to be in direct contact with whatever it is she wishes to teleport.</p></blockquote><p>Since she teleports by exchanging places with whatever she's teleporting to, I suppose she just needs to be in contact with air and teleport it away, to be replaced with whatever she wants.</p> piespy /users/9685 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/568279 2010-07-24T19:18:00-04:00 2016-03-14T11:49:34-04:00 @Table on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <p>But kuroko's power requires her to be in direct contact with whatever it is she wishes to teleport.</p> Table /users/304373 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/566256 2010-07-22T07:06:50-04:00 2010-07-22T07:06:50-04:00 @Since_I'm_Nazrin on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>GreenDrag said:<br>Stating the obvious. Making you look less stupid, ever since the beginning of humanity.</p></blockquote><p>I love you</p> Since_I'm_Nazrin /users/325691 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/566248 2010-07-22T06:46:26-04:00 2010-07-22T06:46:26-04:00 @GreenDrag on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Wilfriback said:<br>This is disturbing, in disguise Kuroko was teleporting away Mikoto's pee and drinking it the whole time.</p></blockquote><p>Stating the obvious. Making you look less stupid, ever since the beginning of humanity.</p> GreenDrag /users/258270 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/562822 2010-07-18T05:27:57-04:00 2010-07-18T05:27:57-04:00 @Wilfriback on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <p>This is disturbing, in disguise Kuroko was teleporting away Mikoto's pee and drinking it the whole time.</p> Wilfriback /users/232495 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/562552 2010-07-17T20:00:08-04:00 2010-07-17T20:00:08-04:00 @OmegaDogma on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Mithiwithi said:<br>Anyone who actually has that fetish should have the self-awareness to know that it's still fucked up :3</p></blockquote><p>I know it's fucked up</p> OmegaDogma /users/101838 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/562522 2010-07-17T19:31:37-04:00 2010-07-17T19:31:37-04:00 @Mithiwithi on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Sideswipe said:<br>That depends entirely on your fetish[es].</p></blockquote><p>Anyone who actually has that fetish should have the self-awareness to know that it's still fucked up :3</p> Mithiwithi /users/318978 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/562220 2010-07-17T12:51:59-04:00 2010-07-17T12:51:59-04:00 @Sideswipe on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>tuckerslam said:<br>now this is just fucked up</p></blockquote><p>That depends entirely on your fetish[es].</p> Sideswipe /users/130995 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/562197 2010-07-17T12:27:41-04:00 2010-07-17T12:27:41-04:00 @tuckerslam on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <p>now this is just fucked up</p> tuckerslam /users/193236 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/562076 2010-07-17T10:18:04-04:00 2010-07-17T10:18:04-04:00 @MNT on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <p>I think this sort of thing would be the line for Biribiri to draw in terms of her continued friendship with Kuroko.</p> MNT /users/97084 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/561991 2010-07-17T08:11:47-04:00 2010-07-17T08:11:47-04:00 @Tramales on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <p>Pee drink!!.. </p> Tramales /users/163843 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/561945 2010-07-17T07:02:13-04:00 2010-07-17T07:02:13-04:00 @recklessfirex on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Krugger said:<br>or Misaka no longer needs to go</p></blockquote><p>Winner, winner, chicken dinner!</p> recklessfirex /users/49628 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/561926 2010-07-17T06:45:30-04:00 2010-07-17T06:45:30-04:00 @Snarf on post #708408 (misaka mikoto and shirai kuroko (to aru majutsu no index and 1 more) drawn by 4shi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/08/44/0844655ee0272a7cee404d4957ae3c50.jpg"/> <p>Only the translation can tell us!</p> Snarf /users/63867