tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #974572 2011-08-17T09:46:09-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/865482 2011-08-17T09:46:09-04:00 2011-08-17T09:46:09-04:00 @Anonymous9000 on post #974572 (hoshii miki, amami haruka, miura azusa, futami mami, deadpool, and 1 more (idolmaster and 4 more) drawn by bb_(baalbuddy)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/09/39/09395d9f5e2667768b7c200c1fcfa2da.jpg"/> <p>IT'S BEAUTIFUL</p> Anonymous9000 /users/179709 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/863643 2011-08-14T11:56:01-04:00 2011-08-14T11:56:01-04:00 @nikou on post #974572 (hoshii miki, amami haruka, miura azusa, futami mami, deadpool, and 1 more (idolmaster and 4 more) drawn by bb_(baalbuddy)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/09/39/09395d9f5e2667768b7c200c1fcfa2da.jpg"/> <p>Deadpool proceeds to teach them all to moonwalk.</p> nikou /users/21699 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/863627 2011-08-14T11:22:57-04:00 2011-08-14T11:22:57-04:00 @anatole_serial on post #974572 (hoshii miki, amami haruka, miura azusa, futami mami, deadpool, and 1 more (idolmaster and 4 more) drawn by bb_(baalbuddy)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/09/39/09395d9f5e2667768b7c200c1fcfa2da.jpg"/> <p>HAHAHAH! The best thing is Deadpool in the back XD</p> anatole_serial /users/187982 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/863519 2011-08-14T07:45:40-04:00 2011-08-14T07:45:40-04:00 @Hydron on post #974572 (hoshii miki, amami haruka, miura azusa, futami mami, deadpool, and 1 more (idolmaster and 4 more) drawn by bb_(baalbuddy)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/09/39/09395d9f5e2667768b7c200c1fcfa2da.jpg"/> <p>hahaha. Good one, lol</p> Hydron /users/350258