tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #993864 2012-12-13T02:32:08-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1107841 2012-12-13T02:32:08-05:00 2012-12-13T02:32:08-05:00 @Hyoroemon on post #993864 (kirisame marisa and reisen udongein inaba (touhou) drawn by imizu_(nitro_unknown)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/a8/3aa83618824bade81b0e7ea006db3c0d.jpg"/> <p>Dem cleavage shot.</p> Hyoroemon /users/377871 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/888998 2011-09-22T22:26:34-04:00 2011-09-22T22:26:34-04:00 @Shadowflames on post #993864 (kirisame marisa and reisen udongein inaba (touhou) drawn by imizu_(nitro_unknown)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/a8/3aa83618824bade81b0e7ea006db3c0d.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Byakugan01 said:<br>Yeah, about that...Reisen kinda qualifies as a mutant too. GL with that. Now, Reimu or Sakuya on the other hand...or for that matter, Mokou-there, we've got something.</p></blockquote><p>She looks close enough to be qualified as an abhuman. The only way for her to gain redemption in the eyes of the Emperor is through GLORIOUS DEATH!</p> Shadowflames /users/357389 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/888459 2011-09-21T21:42:46-04:00 2011-09-21T21:42:46-04:00 @Byakugan01 on post #993864 (kirisame marisa and reisen udongein inaba (touhou) drawn by imizu_(nitro_unknown)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/a8/3aa83618824bade81b0e7ea006db3c0d.jpg"/> <p>Yeah, about that...Reisen kinda qualifies as a mutant too. GL with that. Now, Reimu or Sakuya on the other hand...or for that matter, Mokou-there, we've got something.</p> Byakugan01 /users/143836 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/888432 2011-09-21T20:53:55-04:00 2011-09-21T20:53:55-04:00 @Shadowflames on post #993864 (kirisame marisa and reisen udongein inaba (touhou) drawn by imizu_(nitro_unknown)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/a8/3aa83618824bade81b0e7ea006db3c0d.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>BloodCri said:<br>hell no. The bolt shots would just go right through Remilia instead of exploding since she has no armor. A Melta is what she needs.</p></blockquote><p>Hmm. No. Flamer, with promethium blessed by a member of the Ecclesiarchy. BURN IN THE FIRE OF YOUR ABSOLUTION, MUTANT!</p> Shadowflames /users/357389 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/887686 2011-09-20T18:41:04-04:00 2011-09-20T18:41:04-04:00 @BloodCri on post #993864 (kirisame marisa and reisen udongein inaba (touhou) drawn by imizu_(nitro_unknown)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/a8/3aa83618824bade81b0e7ea006db3c0d.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Shadowflames said:<br>Hey, her gun's all trashed up! If I were her, I'd shed tears too.<br>Now, time to find her... a bolter.</p></blockquote><p>hell no. The bolt shots would just go right through Remilia instead of exploding since she has no armor. A Melta is what she needs.</p> BloodCri /users/357527 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/885818 2011-09-17T21:19:09-04:00 2011-09-17T21:19:09-04:00 @The_Shadow on post #993864 (kirisame marisa and reisen udongein inaba (touhou) drawn by imizu_(nitro_unknown)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/a8/3aa83618824bade81b0e7ea006db3c0d.jpg"/> <p>Look at her long enough in the last panel and you'll want to do something to her there as well... </p> The_Shadow /users/119585 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/883336 2011-09-14T10:54:17-04:00 2011-09-14T10:54:17-04:00 @Astrojensen on post #993864 (kirisame marisa and reisen udongein inaba (touhou) drawn by imizu_(nitro_unknown)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/a8/3aa83618824bade81b0e7ea006db3c0d.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Disoriented said:<br>Stare at Reisen in that 2nd panel long enough, and you wanna comfort her.</p></blockquote><p>That, that didn't take very long...</p> Astrojensen /users/229159 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/882771 2011-09-13T17:59:18-04:00 2011-09-13T17:59:18-04:00 @Disoriented on post #993864 (kirisame marisa and reisen udongein inaba (touhou) drawn by imizu_(nitro_unknown)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/a8/3aa83618824bade81b0e7ea006db3c0d.jpg"/> <p>Stare at Reisen in that 2nd panel long enough, and you wanna comfort her.</p> Disoriented /users/297780 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/882147 2011-09-12T23:37:02-04:00 2011-09-12T23:37:02-04:00 @RaymooHakurei on post #993864 (kirisame marisa and reisen udongein inaba (touhou) drawn by imizu_(nitro_unknown)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/a8/3aa83618824bade81b0e7ea006db3c0d.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>humrh2 said:<br>Charisma Break... from REISEN, of all people?!</p></blockquote><p>You should see the Youmu vs Reisen one... afaik, she also did a charisma break there</p> RaymooHakurei /users/322901 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/881944 2011-09-12T19:17:16-04:00 2011-09-12T19:17:16-04:00 @Shadowflames on post #993864 (kirisame marisa and reisen udongein inaba (touhou) drawn by imizu_(nitro_unknown)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/a8/3aa83618824bade81b0e7ea006db3c0d.jpg"/> <p>Hey, her gun's all trashed up! If I were her, I'd shed tears too.<br>Now, time to find her... a bolter.</p> Shadowflames /users/357389 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/881940 2011-09-12T19:10:39-04:00 2011-09-12T19:10:39-04:00 @humrh2 on post #993864 (kirisame marisa and reisen udongein inaba (touhou) drawn by imizu_(nitro_unknown)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/a8/3aa83618824bade81b0e7ea006db3c0d.jpg"/> <p>Charisma Break... from REISEN, of all people?!</p> humrh2 /users/316120