tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on user:Arrei 2015-05-17T08:53:20-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1397617 2015-05-17T08:53:20-04:00 2015-05-17T08:53:20-04:00 @decondelite on post #733767 (remilia scarlet, izayoi sakuya, kazami yuuka, rumia, koakuma, and 1 more (touhou) drawn by viva!!) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d6/7d/d67d5dbc44a7c9326655735f82158625.jpg"/> <p>Apparently Koa doesn't know herself well, so she's reading "CoAa".</p> decondelite /users/402482 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1334453 2014-12-10T23:06:19-05:00 2014-12-10T23:06:19-05:00 @L_of_Shame on post #1169417 ( original drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c4/3a/c43abc32aabfda91e81c54c6bb978db1.jpg"/> <p>Mui deep.</p> L_of_Shame /users/364853 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1166570 2013-06-21T20:56:05-04:00 2013-06-21T20:56:18-04:00 @blokrokker on post #1110972 (dorothy gale, tin man, scarecrow, cowardly lion, and toto (the wizard of oz) drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/cf/61/cf6124d75394f6eb173fdfe00a9ea81a.jpg"/> <p>I'm convinced the Detailed Backstory pool was made for John Su. Because almost ALL of his pics have crazy backstories.</p> blokrokker /users/400802 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1025742 2012-06-07T16:11:30-04:00 2012-06-07T16:11:30-04:00 @Clone394 on post #1110992 ( original drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ea/e3/eae3a3ef2ae5620f4bd0b0a125466968.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Black_Fox said:<br>Sloth don't care, sloth don't give a shit.</p></blockquote><p>You owe me a new lung.</p> Clone394 /users/326714 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1021708 2012-05-29T10:36:36-04:00 2012-05-29T10:36:36-04:00 @Elijah on post #1169420 ( jack and the beanstalk drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/46/55/465594a3e00356126f67b30d874d3d99.jpg"/> <p>That was beautiful...</p> Elijah /users/10377 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1018501 2012-05-21T20:09:53-04:00 2012-05-21T20:09:53-04:00 @LunatiKero on post #714920 (chen (touhou and 2 more) drawn by itotin) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b2/2b/b22bf48317782af0f4730f58d28a2ede.jpg"/> <p>I... think this is a parody of Persona 4... Not completely sure, but I'm still tagging Persona_4 and parody</p> LunatiKero /users/362872 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1017423 2012-05-19T21:21:42-04:00 2013-02-22T18:22:14-05:00 @KnightBlades on post #1169417 ( original drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c4/3a/c43abc32aabfda91e81c54c6bb978db1.jpg"/> <p>I think its more of that bird is holding her up for the sandvich! "You don't lose an eye if you hand over the sandvich quietly..."</p> KnightBlades /users/54141 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1017397 2012-05-19T20:31:03-04:00 2012-05-19T20:31:03-04:00 @Arrei on post #1169420 ( jack and the beanstalk drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/46/55/465594a3e00356126f67b30d874d3d99.jpg"/> <p>Artist commentary:</p><blockquote> <p>Mamenoko Jack (豆の子ジャック, lit. Beanchild Jack)</p> <p>There once lived a woman by herself on a farm, with nothing but a milk-producing cow to keep her company. Every morning she would juice the dairy out of her cow and head off to market to sell it at noon. And in the evening she would write bad poetry and feed it to her cow in embarrassment.</p> <p>Now there came a time when the cow's teat ran dry and the woman could no longer support the two of them. She said to her cow, "How now, brown cow?" Her cow looked back at the woman with her big cow eyes seeming to say, "You should sell me at the market. You can use the money to invest in the farm and actually grow vegetables or something. You could live off of that and sell the surplus so you can buy other foodstuffs to complement your diet. I, on the other hand, will probably be eaten or turned into glue, but I'm down with that."</p> <p>"Yes," said the woman, "I shall do just that," and she proceeded to the market the next day.</p> <p>She came home with no cow and a single magic bean in hand. "Aw, poop!" said the woman, "I've just realized this might not actually be magic, and could have very well been a swindle." It was sucks, but she decided to make the best of the situation anyway and planted the bean. A planted bean grows bean-producing beanstalks, no?</p> <p>Not if it's a magic bean. The next morning, the bean had grown into a beanstalk, yes, but within the bean pod was a young child! "Aw, poop!" said the woman, "I don't think I can raise a bean child," but she was awful lonely after she had sold her cow to that suspicious businessman, so she took in the child anyhow. Luckily, the beanstalk produced only big non-magical beans after that, and the two of them were able to live off of it as per the cow's wisdom.</p> <p>Now there came a time when the stalk's pods ran dry and would no longer yield beans. By now it was an enormous beanstalk that poked into the heavens. While the woman/mother was thinking about what she could sell it as if she cut it down, the beanchild Jack climbed up the beanstalk and disappeared out of sight. When the child returned, he had with him a hen that laid golden eggs!</p> <p>His mother was amazed by this and asked her son how he came by such a discovery. Upon learning that he had stolen it from a giant in the sky, she frowned. "Jack, my son," said she, "it is not good to steal from one's neighbors. You must return this hen at once." But while she was scolding the beanchild, the gold pooper hen had escaped into the wilderness.</p> <p>In any case, a hen had to be returned. The mother took one of their own which they had been raising and climbed up the beanstalk with her son. At the top of the beanstalk they found a great dwelling which must have stood at least the height of twenty men. Gathering her courage, the mother approached the front door and pulled the cord to ring the door bell: FEE ♪ FI ♪ FO ♪ FUM ♪</p> <p>The door opened in, nearly vacuuming Jack and his mother inside. A great towering giant leaned out and peered down at them from the doorway. "What ho!" he boomed. "A manling and its mother! A delightful surprise!" And before either Jack or his mother could react, the giant picked them up and brought them inside.</p> <p>Once inside, the giant set down Jack and his mother on a table and sat down. "Do tell, what brings you two to my home today? How can I help you?"</p> <p>The mother looked at the giant's great yellow teeth and summoned her courage to answer as best she could. "Sir Giant, I've come to apologize on behalf of my son Jack, who has recently bereaved you of one of your hens. I hope you will accept this hen as a token of our sincerest apologies."</p> <p>Just then, the hen laid a single egg into the bean child's palm.</p> <p>The giant examined the hen and her egg with a scrupulous eye. "I appreciate your honesty, madam," said he, "but unless this hen lays eggs of gold, it cannot replace the hen I've lost."</p> <p>"But Sir Giant!" exclaimed the mother, eager to clear the family's debt, "Please look within the egg of brown if you will." The giant took the egg as a child takes an ant, and crushed it between his fingers, revealing the sticky yellow yolk.</p> <p>"Liquid gold!" he exclaimed in amazement. Upon learning that the gold itself was rich in protein and cholesterol and that the eggs could also yield golden chicks that would grow into more egg-producing hens, the giant was ecstatic. In his gratitude, he accepted the farm hen and even gave the mother and child a milk-less cow he had received when he sold magic beans (different magic beans, that is) to a suspicious man.</p> <p>And then everyone went home safely and had food to eat and work to do and that was good enough.</p> <p>Alternate Ending: Jack speaks. The talk goes downhill. The giant eats everyone. The End.</p> </blockquote> Arrei /users/324239 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1017394 2012-05-19T20:22:58-04:00 2012-05-19T20:22:58-04:00 @Arrei on post #1169419 ( original drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/0d/c1/0dc1f21a734921f47b5f128050c5edb5.jpg"/> <p>Title: Puppet Strings</p><p>Artist commentary:</p><blockquote> <p>Caroline is an artificial daughter developed by a creepy guy with a lot of time and money and no children. However, the research and construction took a long time. By the time she was completed, he had found a woman who loved him for his money and not for his looks, and she had borne him a stumpy little babyling to call his own. So! Now she is kind of like the really expensive juke box that the family likes to show off to guests.</p> <p>Because the technology for making artificial people is complicated shit, Caroline's head is purely decorative. Her face is painted on, and she cannot process visual stimuli. She can, however, hear what is happening around her and emulate a voice using whatever musical instruments are at hand. Speaking of which, her arms are a viola set!</p> <p>Caroline stores her memories as melodies, which she likes to play back on occasion to remember them. Sometimes she will also make up melodies about what it'd be like to be a rhinoceros and tip over carriages.</p> </blockquote> Arrei /users/324239 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1017391 2012-05-19T20:14:18-04:00 2012-05-19T20:14:18-04:00 @Arrei on post #1169417 ( original drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/c4/3a/c43abc32aabfda91e81c54c6bb978db1.jpg"/> <p>"Please Don't Feed the Birds", he calls it.</p><blockquote><p>They will develop bad habits.</p></blockquote> Arrei /users/324239 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1017390 2012-05-19T20:08:27-04:00 2012-05-19T20:08:27-04:00 @Arrei on post #1169406 ( original drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/0a/79/0a7976be2da08ba4b329dcff19b08e31.jpg"/> <p>This one's the proper size. Had a bit of a gaffe and uploaded a smaller one before.</p> Arrei /users/324239 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1017389 2012-05-19T20:07:47-04:00 2012-05-19T20:07:47-04:00 @Arrei on post #1169406 ( original drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/0a/79/0a7976be2da08ba4b329dcff19b08e31.jpg"/> <p>Artist commentary:</p><blockquote> <p>Title:<br>タソガレ Heart (lit. "Twilight Heart")</p> <p>In the town of Trebuchet, there lived in the clock tower a lonely old poet - bitter and remorseful. Towards the end of his years, he composed a series of letters between an imaginary love interest and a projection of his younger self, and then locked them away in separate cabinets. He never opened those cabinets til the day of his death, fearful that his fabricated romance would disintegrate if the letters ever came together.</p> <p>Ultimately the old man died and his personal possessions were cleared from the tower. The letters he wrote were discovered by the renovators and discarded in the basement furnace. As they burned, the raw emotion contained in them was released into the air and settled on a pile of old clothes nearby, animating them with the characters of the fake letters. The old man was just that pitiful that it gave the story powers to do that.</p> <p>Anyhow, thus were born the young man Deegan and his sweetheart Sanpi. Because the true author of the letters they were born from was the same person, the two of them shared the same heart and were drawn to each other. However, for the same reason, because there was only one heart (and perhaps because of the old poet's lingering wishes), only one of the two could exist at a time. During the day Sanpi would be the vessel for the heart, and when night came she would turn back into a pile of clothes and Deegan would take his turn as the next vessel. In this way they continued to look for each other without ever knowing what the other looked like.</p> </blockquote> Arrei /users/324239 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1017383 2012-05-19T19:54:06-04:00 2012-05-19T19:54:06-04:00 @Arrei on post #1169384 ( drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9f/c8/9fc8e53bfda7132c9d25125e32c8754b.jpg"/> <p>I'll leave the artist's commentary here all the same:</p><blockquote> <p>Title:<br>タソガレ Heart (lit. "Twilight Heart")</p> <p>In the town of Trebuchet, there lived in the clock tower a lonely old poet - bitter and remorseful. Towards the end of his years, he composed a series of letters between an imaginary love interest and a projection of his younger self, and then locked them away in separate cabinets. He never opened those cabinets til the day of his death, fearful that his fabricated romance would disintegrate if the letters ever came together.</p> <p>Ultimately the old man died and his personal possessions were cleared from the tower. The letters he wrote were discovered by the renovators and discarded in the basement furnace. As they burned, the raw emotion contained in them was released into the air and settled on a pile of old clothes nearby, animating them with the characters of the fake letters. The old man was just that pitiful that it gave the story powers to do that.</p> <p>Anyhow, thus were born the young man Deegan and his sweetheart Sanpi. Because the true author of the letters they were born from was the same person, the two of them shared the same heart and were drawn to each other. However, for the same reason, because there was only one heart (and perhaps because of the old poet's lingering wishes), only one of the two could exist at a time. During the day Sanpi would be the vessel for the heart, and when night came she would turn back into a pile of clothes and Deegan would take his turn as the next vessel. In this way they continued to look for each other without ever knowing what the other looked like.</p> </blockquote> Arrei /users/324239 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1017373 2012-05-19T19:36:13-04:00 2012-05-19T19:36:13-04:00 @Arrei on post #1169384 ( drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9f/c8/9fc8e53bfda7132c9d25125e32c8754b.jpg"/> <p>Sorry, I messed up. This isn't the proper size version.</p> Arrei /users/324239 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/997149 2012-04-08T17:18:58-04:00 2012-04-08T17:18:58-04:00 @TristaK on post #1110992 ( original drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ea/e3/eae3a3ef2ae5620f4bd0b0a125466968.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Hazukari said:<br>^ I laughed for a good 5 minutes</p></blockquote><p>I am in a public place browsing Danbooru and I can't stop laughing. I think I'm starting to cry. It hurts to smile as much as I am.</p> TristaK /users/67041 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/997141 2012-04-08T16:48:13-04:00 2012-04-08T16:48:13-04:00 @GaeBolg on post #1110992 ( original drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ea/e3/eae3a3ef2ae5620f4bd0b0a125466968.jpg"/> <p>^ I laughed for a good 5 minutes</p> GaeBolg /users/126540 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/991759 2012-03-28T18:51:48-04:00 2012-03-28T18:51:48-04:00 @Black_Fox on post #1110992 ( original drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ea/e3/eae3a3ef2ae5620f4bd0b0a125466968.jpg"/> <p>Sloth don't care, sloth don't give a shit.</p> Black_Fox /users/341192 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/985511 2012-03-16T03:22:19-04:00 2012-03-16T03:22:19-04:00 @grand_zero on post #1110972 (dorothy gale, tin man, scarecrow, cowardly lion, and toto (the wizard of oz) drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/cf/61/cf6124d75394f6eb173fdfe00a9ea81a.jpg"/> <p>...Oddly, given the commentary, this has a bit of a Hiyao Miyazaki vibe to it...</p> grand_zero /users/362826 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/981813 2012-03-08T16:04:21-05:00 2012-03-08T16:04:21-05:00 @Min1234 on post #1110992 ( original drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ea/e3/eae3a3ef2ae5620f4bd0b0a125466968.jpg"/> <p>Do you wanna go home?</p> Min1234 /users/320569 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/981146 2012-03-07T03:25:41-05:00 2012-03-07T03:25:41-05:00 @hellblueboy4 on post #1110992 ( original drawn by john_su) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ea/e3/eae3a3ef2ae5620f4bd0b0a125466968.jpg"/> <p>............what?</p> hellblueboy4 /users/51744