


"One may be satisfied to stimulate their partner, each partner may stimulate the other, or one may stimulate both themselves and their partner."

The Wikipedia article also shows a one-sided MM drawing.

If you can come up with a better term, I'm all ears.

I think the source for this was lolipuni, so I'm sure it's real. The mangaka himself has drawn ero doujinshi of the Tsukiyomi characters so it's not exactly surprising.

Actually, the new policy is to keep reposts, so that if someone ever uploads it again they can be pointed to the original.

The database got a little screwed up about an hour ago. I reverted all the recent posts that got affected but some tags might've gotten lost.

Although technically it wouldn't scale, I think restricting synonym editing to moderators would be feasible, since there only seem to be a few we need to keep track of.

Tag suggestions unfortunately had to be removed because it just killed the server. I think the complexity was exponential, per tag. Buffered got it to a low constant but it was still slow.

I've been thinking of caching suggestions as an extra text field for tags. Users, if they wanted, could refresh these against the current database, and the new suggestions would be cached. So they'd be a little out of sync, but it'd still be a lot better than a dozen requests per second asking for suggestions.

Tag Synonyms
(image unrelated)

I've been thinking about how to add support for tag synonyms lately. A slightly technical discussion can be read here: http://trac.donmai.us/trac/ticket/78

The gist of it is automatically rename a synonym to a preferred tag. This wouldn't change how you search or tag a post, everything would be automated behind the scenes. A question would be, who should be able to add new synonyms, and are there unseen issues, or perhaps better ideas?