


Man, this is good. I never realized how much I dig the canvas-textured look. And it matches so well— logically and visually— with painterly styles.

iridescent_slime said:

Is that a Klimt hanging in the background? This girl has good taste.

Nice catch.

Yup. True story. One of Game's best-kept secrets is just how approachable/within-your-league those formal, gorgeous + dignified types can be.

King_Frost said:

That type of asshole is fucking gross, pics good other then that

You're a fan of those hideous puckered anuses, ain't ya...

I can just barely palm a basketball, without relying on my Nen, but I'm betting she wouldn't have that problem.

She's the type that'd fart while you're hittin' it from the back like that, and think it's funny.

The girl on the right is resting her hand against something that looks curiously delicious. What is that?