


Ora.665 said:

Not sure sure if it's an artist original or edit, but meh...

The drop in image quality when viewing it from top to bottom is apparent.

I wonder how close he got to finishing the piece before he realized her hands were way too small, and said "fuck it, fixing it would be too much work".

BlastingNaba said:

Fuck off.

Guilty Gear is Heavy Metal with anime riveted on.

Blazblue is anime with... well, more anime.

Anime is toxic at high levels.

lol, Nigga, d'you know where you are?

I miss playing this game online SO much. Red vs Blue? 16-man battle royale? The fun was immeasurable. At least for the first few weeks, until the player base rapidly began to dwindle; and that 16-man lobby became 10; and 10 became 4. Then you could no longer even get a 5v5 going in team play.

Sega really dropped the ball with this one.

Keo said:

Wait, wait, wait...how do we know this isn't just some sort of flower? It could be just a Tulip.

Ha, two-lip.