


` This is the S2 stage of the Venusian Arts: LMR in the Seduction Location

- He probably didn't spend enough time in the A3 [male-female interest] stage. If you don't thoroughly Qualify her during A3, she won't feel validated by you, she won't be invested, and she won't feel as if you two have established a meaningful connection. Even if they engage sexually at this point, the premature nature of the situation will lead to her 'Buyer's Remorse'; she'll know he only wanted her for the sex, and on top of possibly hating herself for going through with it, she may never call him/answer his calls again.


- He probably knew her for less than 7 hours. Unless you're dealing with a whore/slut/prostitute, spending less than 7 hours with a girl you've recently met --between your initial Approach [A1], the Comfort-building stages [C1/C2/C3], and the beginning of the Seduction stage [S1]-- will also lead to her Buyer's Remorse. It can even happen before the LMR stage [before sex], indicating that you've rushed the Attraction process. You never want at girl to feel regret before or after sleeping with you [afterall, you're no asshole, you're a Boss!]. And you avoid that by covering the A3 stage thoroughly.

` Going by her body language above, I'd guess he fell short in that area. By coercing her to continue, he's handling that situation the wrong way- like a typical AFC. When Last-Minute Resistance rears its ugly head, you respond to it with a Freeze-Out. I.E., By nonchalantly acknowledging her apprehension- "I completely understand", immediately ceasing all Kino [touching], walking away, and finding something else to occupy yourself with [for instance, popping in a DVD or turning on your PS3 (Xbox if you're Chris G) for your non-sexual enjoyment]. Hell, ask her if she wants to join you. But show no signs of discontentment or neediness. This is a high-level Take-Away that messes with her head and by no means is it a sigh of relief for her- especially if you covered the A3 stage effectively.
` By all accounts, you're doing the right thing by stopping when she says "No", but to her, it won't feel that way. By doing this, you're also conveying that you're willing to stick around and be in her company even if she's unwilling to put out yet. This means it's not all about the sex for you. Now, all you have to do is wait for her to re-initiate. If LMR strikes again, repeat this process, but extend the Freeze-Out so it lasts longer than it previously did. LMR is born from the idea that once you get what you want from her, you're just gonna up and leave, and be done with her. That's an awful feeling. So by contently sticking around when it seems like coitus isn't on the horizon, you're sending her an alluring message.

` I checked the Pixiv link for context but the artist didn't indicate the characters' relationship to each other. Apparently, though, none of that matters because of the Anchoring voodoo he did with his hands in panels 3 and 4, haha. I guess he's more of a fan of Ross Jeffries than he is of Mystery. I'm kinda on-the-fence when it comes to hypnotic/Speed Seduction, though... it might be just a tad bit too OP. That's a lot of immediate control to have over someone you've just met. Particularly if you're a fucked up individual
[is s/he married with children?].

` When all you hafta do to drop someone's drawers is elicit a couple basic, yet governing universal emotions --via strategic hand movements and Trance Words spoken with altered vocal tonality-- you gotta be staunch with yourself about where your boundaries lie. Because some doors just aren't locked off to you anymore, and choice is a helluva drug...

powerofvoid said:
That's because most erotic fanartists can only draw women who go to pieces as soon as they start having sex.

A sad truth.