


Tetsamaru said:

Strange. My EMT job not only encourages you to buy yiur own, but will compensate the cost if you buy a hugher end one.

Zero_00 said:

I'll be honest it didn't occur to me at first, I just thought all three outfits catered to one kink or another depending on the outfit

Well, the other two certainly do.

I recall that Tifa was initially confused if you advise her to wear something 'sporty', citing that sporty was something she normally wore. Maybe the Chinese outfit is her just picking something despite your advice.

Lazy_Penguin said:

Valentine322 said:

Not gonna lie, I'd be pissed as well if I wasted a ring on a fetish I'm not into. That being said, you'd think he'd spend a moment to read the voice lines before going for the oath. At least, that's what I do.

God, I wish Burger King actually made something remotely close to that good looking.

All of your military tax exemptions are hereby revoked!

Why would she have that to begin with?

iori98 said:

Burden of proof is on you I mean you did just claim they definitely weren't gay

No, I didn't.

Garrus said:

Going by the name and tone here, it's demonizing the communion wafer.

If you Google image "death cookie wafer" you'll see it's actually one of those Christian comic booklets that get handed out by preachers. This artist did his homework.

felix_717 said:

that chin and nose shadow is really weird makes the character look like a dude

Well, thanks for ruining the picture for me.

Somebody is gonna have to explain to me how the flight deck can practically double as a sword. Launching and landing planes seems...difficult to say the least.

gridsleep said:

Is Japan just flooded with Donald Trumps? Socially repressive societies produce rape culture.

You must be a real blast at parties.

Commentary courtasy of Google Translate:

Scotty Magellan
I'm sorry

The 'Scotty' likely is supposed to mean Skadi. But the "I'm sorry" screams that this was a rape.