


"There's more where this came from... But not if I ever hear the word "We" come out of your mouth again."

slave2thedrago said:

I still find it hilarious that’s it’s now “canon” that she’s plump and curvy when the original was borderline loli. It fits so well though

This is how I feel about dark-skin Daisy. Not that it's hilarious, but that I've accepted it as canon since over a decade ago (post #3029431; when this fanart was originally created) and there's nothing Nintendo can ever do to change it.

RiderFan said:

Komi must also have difficulty walking as well...

Heh, Yea. Unless she's able to walk with her legs crossed as such.

Ahead of its time. This is when you're all in agreement with the cat at the table.

Stupid question: What's the most likely type of underwear to be worn here?
(I don't think C-strings are all that popular to begin with)
I ask because Chun-Li has a costume in SFV that splits high up the sides and the thought has been bugging me. I just haven't gotten around to buying that costume myself and doing Spinning Bird Kicks in-game to find out how Capcom went about it: https://imgur.com/mda086P

Inverted Dickhead Syndrome. Reminds me of that green-shirted-girl POV flash game from forever ago. The one that spawned a million and one forum questions about "the pen" and how to "get it to work" in triggering the final scene.

That pubic hair is remarkably done. He's always been good at it but this one is even more detailed than usual. He makes it seem so easy.

Hmm. I expected to find more artwork of this form by now. I guess her new look isn't too popular.