


aldeayeah said:
I hope that thing behind the couch is a spiked club...

I didn't notice it when I read it xD

wow... I like it a lot, very nice indeed but there's just one thing bugging me eeh.... no panties??

Maciste said:
The big toe on her left leg is on the outside. Adding error-tag.

Don't you mean the "left foot" which is now a right foot?

henmere said:
Artist's commentary

xD... never... NEVER!! I mean... WHAT THE F@CK?!! it's not sexy nor arousing, you know what it is? YEAH!! it's me when going to the bathroom and shitting bricks

I agree with henmere however, you could do that if you have allergies and you're exposed to sunlight or to a strong light because it seems as if she were looking at a light


where have I seen this before??... I'm reading the manga but... there's a pcsx game which I can't remember right now, it's of jojo and the other one of touhou and a video about this... xD it's just so... so... °/\° no comments

Riznar said:
The roughness of the lines on her chin makes it look like she's got stubble...

xD you make it sound so funny

haa- man... when the time comes... and this is the time: WHAT?! someone's gotta explain me this xD