


feline_lump said:

touhou status:deleted. Loli rape has nothing to do with image quality. Neither of these points really discredit the idea that this image was mostly passed up for quality reasons.

You're a shameless moderator power trip apologist. No wonder they're so fond of openly abusing their privileges and ignore their own rules, with people like you cheering them on.

Apox said:

Well, I will play quite the Cpt. Obvious here but the feet drawn here have good anatomy and it doesn't matter if they dirty or not.

You need glasses, because these are awfully drawn. I don't even have a glasses fetish, yet even I can tell this is bad.

I've heard about the green hat thing before, but then the explanation was that green hats used to be a uniform for male prostitutes, and that you were basically calling someone a whore. Might have been wrong, though.

lampenpam said:

Cartoony boobs don't work with you? Well, have you heard about animes?

That's not what I meant by cartoony, genius.

79248cm/s said:

I never understood what the big deal with fedoras were. They seem much more practical than a baseball cap due to the full brim, and look pretty normal (even relative to modern days "fashion" trends). Why does everyone hate it? Trenchcoats I can kind of understand since they look a bit too Columbine (even though a normal tshirt can conceal just as deadly weaponry), but a hat? Just curious.

They're worn by pasty nerds who think it makes them look mature and cool. Often with ponytail, neckbeard, heavy metal t-shirt and black leather trenchcoat.

Provence said:

1. Insults don't solve anything
2. Uploading own stuff is only looked down to, but not forbidden^^.

I call them as I see them. I'm also not encouraging people to upload their bad photoshops, unlike you.

Is it really right to tag her with demon girl and succubus? While it's technically true, she just looks like a normal human, and that kinda goes against the "tag what you see" policy.

Mazryonh said:

This picture makes me wonder if H.R. Giger would have approved of Mara's design.

It's a giant penis with tentacles, so he would have loved it. Too much colour, though. Make it gray or black, and he'd be all over it. Maybe slap some skulls and tits on it while you're at it.