


GlitchyMissingno said:

Pretty sure this is supposed to be Reimu and Marisa's child. I'll remove the cosplay tag and add it to the "Let's Make Touhou Kids" pool. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Nope. Title is "Reimu outfit Marisa."

Made even more confusing by the fact that the girl on the right has the same eye color as Tsukiko (different from Shizuku), but no hair clip.

Krugger said:

I like Aniki just seems easier to say but the closeness conveyed with Big Brother seems more appropriate for this peace

On the other hand, she first uses it in the first koma where she's being more tsun. I like aniki more overall, though big brother would be fitting in the second koma.

She bears resemblance to Umino Mokuzu from Satougashi no dangan ga uchinukenai, down to the water bottles. Probably not her, but yeah.

What kind of popsicle has filling? Furthermore how does one squeeze the filling out without breaking it?

So that's who she was. I kept searching for Valkyrie-related cards in YGO wikia, but I guess this is one of those cards where they threw the original name out the window.