


Krugger said:

Sister in law ok I am desperate to know what the first comic said now

Would make sense that El is Kay's sister.

Strange, how does one get the full res, un-watermarked version from the site? I'm only seeing the sample small version.

Guessing on Sakuya due to the hair and braid. Same with Sumireko due to the pigtails and glasses (and Mokou's pants). And I wouldn't have guessed Reimu if not for the hair tube and torii, or Ichirin if not for the unzan decal on her hat.

Don't you hate when you're having lesbian sex and a beam of light shines down from God to censor your naughty bits?

I've tagged a few more animals, but a few I'm not sure of. Is that Kagerou on top of Momiji? Which bunny is that, Tewi or Reisen? And who's the fluffball on Shou, doesn't look enough like a mouse to be Nazrin.