


Took off the osu!_tatakae!_ouendan tag. This girl isn't any of the characters that appear in those games.

p_s_maniac said:

i get that this different kinds of censoring around the world, but can someone explain the first 3?

The first is the "normal" censorship that Senran Kagura mainly got in the games. When the mobile Senran Kagura game "New Link" was released, a lot of things were toned down (like breast sizes and a lack of clothing damage) for it to be put on the iOS store. The SIE one is how Sony has been handling visual novels on their systems recently.

I tagged this as 'original', but I'm not sure if the description is saying that this is an old anime character, or if this is a picture that details design tropes of old anime characters. Considering I'm basing this on machine translations, I could be completely wrong on both fronts.

I'd watch it if it existed.

It's kinda funny how the person who seems to be the most embarrassed about this situation is the one who's wearing the most modest outfit.

I keep forgetting that he usually uploads these kinds of pictures to his Pixiv as well as his Twitter. Sorry about that.

NWSiaCB said:

Either she just blindly stepped into that thing when it was collapsed, or that's an actual piece of the concrete he'd excavated. I mean, even beyond the fact that this guy is repeatedly swiping bathing suits from the same girl, wouldn't somebody NOTICE the part where he came in and jackhammered out part of the concrete near the pool to install a booby trap and maybe tell him to not keep coming to this pool? (Or if he's the owner of the pool or something bizarre, wouldn't this girl just learn not to come to THIS pool?)

Pretty sure this is the beach, not a pool. At least, that's what I gathered from panel 1.

rom_collector said:

To me it looks like instead of pulling her hand she choose to raise her arm in order to inspect the key nor whatever she got around her wrist, right after the stacked wood forming a box disassembled, thus locking herself. It's kind of logical, but just like the first lock it involves a truly perfect timing and circumstances you only see on Saw movies.

Saw movies would be a lot more enjoyable if they were about women trying to get out of embarrassing situations.

Since this seems to be a redrawing of one of the pictures he did in 2010, I'm parenting this picture to that one.

Cliff_Edge said:

How the hell did Nagawolf blow off Ooshiopig's panties?

A lot of huffing and puffing.

KiTA said:

Wait, which one is which? The only one I recognize is Mio and hers wasn't really played either way.

I'm a bit late for this, but...

From what I remember, the episode where Mio came out as a nudist had her basically apologizing to the guy she had a crush on for being a nudist because she knew it was wrong and stuff like that. Said guy never really told her otherwise, just that he accepted her for who she was. Which is nice and all, but it still left the reader with a "NUDISM IS BAD!" message.

Unless I'm remembering wrong and/or there was another Mio centered episode where someone told her that Nudism was okay. I didn't finish the series and it's been a few years since.

(Also I accidentally mis-clicked and downvoted your comment. Sorry!)

beltman said:

Yeah noone will notice the massive pubic hair

Of course not. They're too busy playing catching Pokemon to notice.

Stefan86 said:

Age progression? And isn't that Silver who's speaking to her?

May I ask for a translation?

That's the tag I was looking for, thanks.

Tapper said:

In LOLK's extra stage, Sanae insulted Hecatia's outfit, the same one she's being made to wear in this post.

Ah, okay. Thanks.

KazuyaRazuKazama said:

I hope Kanako's taking note.
Every time Sanae does something wrong, she should be punished like this ;)

Not sure I understand the punishment? Then again I haven't been keeping up with Touhou characters.