


Mobile_baconater said:

is it just me or her body looks weird

Eh, her spine seems broken, but other than that...

CountPacula said:

OK, seriously, why hadn't this been added to the Making Love pool until now?

Because you didn't do it earlier?

Mileavis said:

I wonder which rivalry was worse, Luftwaffe/Kriegsmarine or IJA/IJN.

Luftwaffe/Kriegsmarine was pretty bad, but at least they weren't assasinating each other.

HighlyResponsiveToPizza said:

Stalin smoked a pipe and the loli is holding a pipe, so I think Zhukov is the one on the left.

The one on the left is wearing Stalin's cap, though.

Also, lol on real_life

Haborym said:

Since when did it become 2saka and not toesaka 8v

Actually, since when it was changed from Tohsaka?

Demundo said:

In the glove. Pitchers need their right hands free to sign the tactic to the their teammates at the goals. Well, I don't know much about baseball but I know that much.

He was wondering why there was tag for a ball.

Tapper2 said:

Many fans associate her with Henderson Field on the island of Guadacanal which was used as a fighter base during the war.

Not that kind of planes, though.

DevonM said:

Perspective thing I think, but it looks like Hatate's freaking short comparing her to Aya

My totally scientific paint testing says that there isn't that much of height difference (assuming that skirts are at same height)

KuroKyosuke said:

Exactly what part of this image is Explicit?

Isn't that just the default? If yes, then it was just forgotten.

arisboch said:

They're both female, so the girl_on_top tag is totally pointless here.

"For any situation (not necessarily sexual) where a girl is on top of another character.", sooo...

ManiacYKT said:

Just for the record, I'm not homophobic but abundance of gayness on global scale is suffocating and really oppressing, you know?
And if you say something like "keep it down" you are suddenly a raging bigot. While if I go with my girlfriend somewhere for some reason it's totally okay to tell us that 'you cannot show affection in public'.

...Unless you are publicly fucking, who is telling you that you can't show affection in public? And why don't you tell them to fuck off?

vladtet909 said:

That pose is anatomically impossible

No, it is perfectly possible if you have few broken bones.

(The pose is so bad it actually hurts trying to imagine how that would work in reals)

DarkSlayer0 said:

I don't really feel anything in fact that Soviet are the one who invaded Afghanistan so they just got what they deserve. :p

[edgy] Those Americans invaded Iraq and the WMD's that were the excuse didn't even exist. They deserve(d) to die to roadside bombs[/edgy]

But honestly, I don't really see how Soviet soldiers are responsible for Afganistan invasion, even if some of them were professionals (most were conscripts).

Kraco said:

What's with that pitiful amount of stones? When you go to a hardware store to buy sauna heater stones, a typical box will be 15-20kg (33-44 lbs). Maybe this poor artist has never experienced a sauna personally.

What's with the towels?


Blockhead134 said:

isnt the image itself a spoiler?

Well, not really, unless one reads the comments.

It only seems like weird a crossover if one doesn't know what happens.

ezekill said:

Now this makes me wonder if there are deadly Panther tank aces since as far as I know the Tiger was the more reputed Ace maker.

Googling brings up Ernst Barkmann.