


addaebooru said:

Did she say "mizuki"?

Apparently that name means "Beautiful Moon", so I guess that's a Japanese fanon name for the protagonist like the English "Luna".

Yeah, that definitely isn't Muppo. None of the features Muppo normally has and there doesn't seem to be any Muppo tags on Pixiv.

Plus, as forever-living beings, maybe they simply can't be in the realm of the dead? They're like the very opposite of the afterlife.

Wait, what happened to Shinmyoumaru, exactly? Did she climb into the rice bowl for some reason?

Would kind of defeat the purpose of being on survival at all, though.

When I did this I left the top open just so it wouldn't be pitch black, haha.

236C said:

chamawatari's Suika is terrifying. This is a cute scene and she seems gentle enough, but I would panic if I saw that coming at me down a dark alley. Or in the middle of the day for that matter. She's like a weird goblin. I don't hate it, it's unique.

I actually find Marisa more disconcerting, with the blank nothingness in her eyes.

ftahgn said:

Oh man, from the look of things this is gonna be a story where Keine's already gone and Mokou has the "Keine box" to remind her of Keine.

Aren't they referring to her in the present tense too much for that? Mokou worrying that Keine found the box, Tewi talking about Keine getting rice flour from them every year.

FelReaver said:

At last?It just released this Saturday.
This might be the fastest upload I've done...
Hope I can go to Comiket again. The books are way much cheaper than I find someone purchase them abroad. lol.

"At last" as in it's finally out after the samples from a couple weeks ago.

Mollord said:

That makes the tagging of it seem pretty subjective though. I sure wouldn't tag this girl as a loli.

That's why a check thread exists in the forum for borderline cases.

Although there are generally very obvious differences between what passes for loli and what is just flat or small-chested.

No, it's because that one's an enemy from Kirby, with a design remarkably similar to the spirits. So it gathers to her and kills her with contact damage.

Wait, how is this foreshortening supposed to work? Her forearm's moving towards the viewer, and then her hand can double back towards her chest the same distance as her forearm?

Wait, what happened here? Did the auto-delete function glitch out and merely flag it instead? It's a Member upload with no approver, so it doesn't seem to be just some random flagger trying to be clever...

I wouldn't call 'em fine. Other than the foreshortening issue described in the flag, Yukari's hand is rather off and both she and Ran have either a distended torso or very short legs.
