


Unsure if grimoire_of_alice , so added tag 'book' for now. It probably is, but if someone could confirm.

edit: edited out book

blokrokker said:

efe's Kaguya is just too fucking cute.

As far as efe is concerned, Kaguya and cute are borderline synonymous.

Which I am okay with. \o/

It's not surprising where you see a lot of images by artists where a character doesn't have a particular feature (e.g. Aya's wings, Cirno's wings, Ran's tail etc).

Some proportions look a bit... "interesting" to say the least, but I really dig the outfit. Nice image.

BrotherJohn said:
lemee guess...she's seeing 3d image of naked Remilia inside her visor?

One can only imagine.

If you want to get into semantics - she IS an Ex boss. After all, phantasm is a "harder" Extra stage, thus I see nothing wrong with her being listed as an Ex boss, and this image being listed in the pool is fine.

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