


Ya know, not to be impolite, but sometimes a gal will do some kissin' on the ears which makes me uncomfortable because even though I clean my ears, sometimes a tater'll just roll outta there unexpected.

Garrus said:

Why is she.... Oh. OHHHHH. This is TLR Darkness level shit now.

Fujimaru is nowhere NEAR the sheer level of innocent shamelessness.

FrankenCastle said:

Was gonna come up with a witty retort till I suddenly realized: "wait a sec, it's soccer... who the hell in North America cares about soccer."

Our ladies won the last Women's World Cup. And Mexico is pretty serious about it.

xXWarriorAngelXx said:

Just how I imagined a genderbent version of Ironwood: strong, beautiful, and brimming with authority.

But what would her name be is the real question?

Janette maybe?

bunkhead said:

Also, Violet? Dayumn~! Girl takes her introductory motto way too literally.

She DID go to an active war zone to write letters for soldiers. She is the embodiment of dedication.

Pantastic said:

Most teas you can find in France are closer to urine than beer ; her worries are legit.

At least Darjeeling is able to keep her proper British bearing and not show her distaste, despite it being French.

pacificbobcat said:

Really because I don't believe I heard anyone say anything about being home by christmas in World War II?

Operation Market Garden was an ambitious joint operation of the US/British Airborne units and the British XXX Corps ground forces in mid-September, 1944. It was fought in the Netherlands and Germany with the intent on encircling the German industrial sectors in the Ruhr, cutting it off and establishing a foothold on the eastern side of the Rhine. This was supposed to open a corridor into Germany and end the war by Christmas. It didn't work.

CodeKyuubi said:

I'll be frank, these look very western, so don't be surprised if they don't get approved.

But at the same time, the quality is sublime.

ezekill said:

They shall fight in the beaches, eh Churchill?

Also, that grip on the SMLE's trigger looks like for the Mad Minute.

It is indeed. Takes a little getting used to, but it really does let you cycle a lot faster.

argeey94 said:

To be fair, bullet volume is the go-to strat in the Touhou games. Chances are, you *Pichuun* from the one bullet NOT aimed at you.

Round superiority. Throw enough lead/blaster bolts/danmaku downrange, you'll hit the target eventually. It's easy to miss with one bullet. It's really hard to miss with 2800.

ezekill said:

Amusingly enough, the Sheridan looks the least intimidating out of the lights that's rolling unlike the faces of the Walker Bulldog. Its rather a ridiculous thing for a tank this small to pack a howitzer level gun capable of firing "screw you, the people around you and your cover" HE shells as well as the lulzy Shillelagh.

Still, when it's designed to be dropped in via parachute, it's still armor hitting the field. And when accompanying airborne units, it offers that much needed force multiplier and metal hard cover against incoming small arms. And it was fast. 43 mph on the road and it could swim. Not very well, at 3.6 mph, but it could.

A proper, well mixed gin martini has just the barest hint of the Juniper with the vermouth and olives balancing nicely.