


DammitCarl said:

long as you promised not to break my spine.

You know what, screw it. If it breaks, it breaks.

If he dies, he dies

Goldva said:

Not the best familiar, but definitely the best familiar.


PrismaPrism said:

Now I wait for Youmu to cosplay as Bea. And then seeing them side by side having a nice laugh.

Please sir

ezekill said:

One can probably hear a pin drop in that hall when Bismarck has the wardrobe malfunction

I remember the first time I saw that outfit and thought the only thing holding her boob in was hopes and dreams

usuallydead said:

Why do you have a bunch of funtime drugs and a pregnancy test? You don't use those things in the same night.

She must really know how to party

doorway said:


Very much. I knew exactly what it was without even checking the tags.