


79248cm/s said:

Doesn't she open her eyes for combat though?

Not all the time. If you look closely during battle, when she is not using her skill her eyes are shut.

I'm surprised that it took this long to get a drawing of these two, when HK416 is in her kid form.

Pronak said:

Hopefully Kar will get a MOD3, but since her artist is busy (as far as I know) in Arknights, we wouldn't see even a skin for her.

Unless Kar's artist left like all the other artist across the past months (as a friend was telling me some time ago), then Mica would just get another person to do the art for those characters. For example SOP's mod1 or 2 is not the same person as the original artist, Lin+ and others are also not part of Mica as far is a know.

The old classic feeling of "Oh shit!! Where did i mess up!?", which is very similar to "what did i forgot at home?" as you left and starting to get farther and farther away.

nakachandayo said:

you could just play on casual

Some people cant just go to casual mode to some games or feel obligated to do the events because there is something that they desire in it. I did try KC casually and couldnt get into it as much as i like it, mostly blame my terrible luck as the major factor.

79248cm/s said:

Oh yeah I forgot about that one (BeCaUsE i DoNt HaVe It). It is nicer, but I guess what I really want is a maid/waitress Scorp like the pic. It speaks to my soul.

I second you about more Skorp!!! The reason im so attached to her is because that god damn nice looking red dress and victory dance at the end of each fight.

Can somebody give me a quick recap where is this "Violates the bestiality rule"???? I went and search a couple of the howto: pages and google rules of this site and didn't found anything about a "bestiality rule".

cd_young said:

Because until she eventually returned everyone thought ST-AR 15 was dead.

But base on the artist's other works, this doesn't look like is like that and what I try to say is that they are together in some way or another.

Can anybody fill me up why this is in Heart-Breaking? I thought this was a rather cute moment of her taking the clothes of AR-15 to take a nap while she is away.

I miss this times of Kantai.... Also my veteran friend wasnt aware of this old Bepu thing which surprises me a lot.