


Mettan said:

And by the time regular attacks from your weapons match it in power, you're already at the end of the game.

Also scales with INT

creaothceann said:

black/dark child = black sheep ?

In japanese context, a kuroko child is generally someone who is creepy and gloomy. These characters also tend to wear glasses and have a hairstyle that makes them seem inconspicuous.

At least that's what my anime has taught me.

If we disregard her tawawas for a moment, she generally fits the mold.

If our MC draws an E-HERO, then he can Super Poly it and Horus to make E-HERO Nova Master. Horus can't negate Super Poly since you can't chain another card activation to Super Poly.

MC gets a free direct attack. Even if the loli has a Mirror Force set, or some other attack negation Trap card, Royal Decree will negate it.

The rest of the duel can go either way.

She has an interaction with Weiss, but no Persona interaction funnily enough.

Might wait until the next DLCs roll around.

There is a feminazi (emphasis on the nazi part, I believe the proper term is radical feminist?) group in south korea, and a lot of companies do not want to be associated with them, or they risk significant backlash as they are an extremist group.

Once incident involves one of the members drugging and raping a young boy in Australia (Article in korean)

I take it the artist is a known member of the group. Other korean game companies have had situations where one of their artist/voice actors/whatever are revealed to be part of the group, and then the company removes all of the things they did in their game to show that they do not support this group.

Darkagma said:

In a world in which every single woman has HUEG breasts, would the otaku community move to anime figures with even larger breasts? Would the concept of a flat chest even exist?

You know how it's flat is justice and big breasts holds our hopes and dreams?

Here, it's big breasts are justice, and flat holds our hopes and dreams.

AC/DC must be ancient history, considering Overwatch takes place pretty damn far into the future (floating tires and whatnot).

aceofspudz said:

Note the pool is named "No Panties?" and not "No Panties!"

She IS wearing panties though. Look a little closer.

It's called Hundred since you've seen ninety-nine other anime like it.

(Shameless ripped off from 4chan)