


I saw how little a shit twitter was giving over these new ships and thought maybe the corona was to blame. Then I saw they're just Eagle Union ships and understood why these most of these new ships couldn't even hit 15k likes. Meanwhile in Russia, 5 ships over 15k and the hype is still going. Even worse is they're wasting the costumes this event on stupid Olympics themed clothing, lol. Batch was somehow more important than the actual ships that are in this event. This game fucking hates the Eagle Union and I can't help but laugh. Try and refute that fact.

Why do the Royals and Sakura always get the best costumes? Actually why do those two get the best character designs and costumes? Manjuu should put way more effort into the other factions hmmm? The Union with it's 103 ships has little to nothing to compete with the likes of things such as this. That's probably why no one gives a shit about them. They fail at being sexy in this fan service game and instead they get nothing but loli skins and Enterprise's broken spaghetti legs.

It takes a cleavage showing outfit for most to realize that Enterprise actually has a big chest.
Unless you get her wedding dress you'll never known this as even her stupid artist forgot. I would say I hope we get a cleavage showing outfit for her in the game but that's impossible with her artists garbage puritan outlook of her.

It's really pathetic how the hardest hitting ship in WoWs isn't even the best BB in Azur Lane. Georgia should be UR PR and be the strongest ship in the game so far.
Nah though, make Georgia still be beaten by Nagato and a German BB. Devs have no idea wtf they're doing. Azur Lane really does lack balance...Badly, enough to make WoWs jealous and that's saying something.

bubu5073 said:

Exodia? So even Enty and Essex can't defeat them

Make believe is a hell of a drug.

Is it really alternate_breast_size when she's canonically portrayed in her Muse outfit with these boobs?

It's always the Koreans and Chinese who are the biggest cucks. Gross indeed.

Imagine being a battle of the pacific based game coming out in 2013 and still not having the Enterprise.
Owari Dafuck outta here with that.

cd_young said:

Bingo. The stinger for episode eight had Akagi meeting Amagi in the after life, and as she moves to embrace her sister, a faceless fox turned to her and said "it's not over."

That wasn't the faceless Amagi that said that, it was Observer Alpha. The Siren isn't done with Akagi just yet. More suffering is to come. Enterprise needs to prevail and save them.

We're all waiting for it but it'll never come. My wallet will always be on standby though if a miracle occurs.

These are virtual youtubers. They have their own faction, which in this case is Hololive. They don't belong to any canon faction in the game.

I like love pairing but we are dipping too far into the fanon crap with this. Enterprise is nothing like this. She wouldn't get all girly blush over this.

I'm pretty sure that if the Eagle Union had ships like this, it wouldn't be such a cesspool of unpopularity. Not even the American server likes the American ships.

The anime made me question the lethality of the KANSEN. I mean San Diego is an expectation because she was surprise attacked but what about the group out at Sea with Hornet? They didn't do shit. I mean not even a scratch to the Cranes, so what is their purpose for even existing if they're that weak? Helena, Hornet, Ham, ect and not a single one of them did a damn thing. I don't know if this is just the anime trying to create a crisis so we can have tension but it made the non SSR ships feel like trash. Like unrealistically trash, even in a surprise situation.

This never even happened in the anime, yet they post it on the ENG twitter? Goes to show how crap the management is over on ENG. Making Enterprise, their supposed mascot, out to be the villain? Jesus Christ, lol.

The PVP experience on Jp is basically "Use Akagi and Kaga meta" "If you don't win, then just back out until you do win." PVP in Azur Lane is an abomination.

colBoh said:

I know AL is known for being way over-the-top (and I love it for that), but I don't know what the Hell the writers were thinking with Amaterasu!Kaga and Jesus!Enty.

They're literally using Siren tech to power themselves. This was the perfect demonstration of that power. Evil always is crazy.

I think the only people who believe that are die hard Kacolle fanboys. Which isn't surprising.