


Ah, i remember that Io also talks about mutton-based Rendang during her collab with Watame.

I can safely say that in Arknights, your parents could look like full-blown furry and you'll still born as kemonomimi...Although, does Waai Fu count as furry?

You know, with all the characters drawn into the challenge, i'm surprised that there's no Katsuragi Misato one yet. You know, the seiyuu connection...

VR-Man said:

The artist is actually still active posting their arts on Pixiv. It's just nobody posted them here for various reasons.

I kinda remember that the usual uploader stop doing it because it's getting flagged by someone, or was it getting DMed by someone to stop uploading 'shitty' artworks of Dainamitee?

Edit: Here it is.


They're posing as some of 2D FF's enemy sprite. And be damned whoever going against Perth, she's wielding Excalibur complete with Avalon !!!

Arknight Devs : So let's make a new boss enemy. Make it a slug.
Me : Yay.
Arknight Devs : ...And also a mobile volcano.
Me : Ohgodwhy.

Certain fruits are considered luxury items in Japan. Melon was usually gifted by the lower rank samurai to their daimyo or Shogun as a sign of appreciation or loyalty, and still considered as it is in the present. And just like Kobe Beef, the Yubari Melon of Japan is cultivated with special steps, and also known for its sweetness.


You know, this has been bothered me for a while, but i don't know where to ask it & how to get different opinion from different people, so can i ask it here?

Danbooru, is as far as i know and i think, is like a repository site, a 'warehouse' which users are able to post content and search for images they want to see through tags and ratings, right? And as far i know, the only pros of become some kinda big uploader are more upload+comment quota, rank, etc. Like basically, a storehouse with certain restrictions and bonus where you can show things you think is amazing enough to show to others, right?

Why some people feels...don't know, offended? When they can't 'store & show' a picture here? I mean, if you like a picture and some don't, why don't you save it in your PC when you can see it without anyone criticizing, calling you out on certain fetish (Oh the bans sections...) or restrict you? Even going as far as resorting to sockpuppeting and trolling when you can't get what you want? You don't get some actual benefit from it afaik, so why?

This is just my opinion as a common visitor to Danbooru.

dasCKD said:

I mean, bats taste pretty good. I'm not Indonesian myself, but you'd be surprised by how many seemingly odd dishes can actually be appetizing. Sea cucumbers, for one, tastes very interesting if prepared correctly.

Indonesian here, and i can say, some of us DO eat exotic meats (mostly on the eastern part of Indonesia), and there is a well-known market there that sells some exotic meats like Wuhan ( Fox, crocodile,...dog, wolf, salamander, snake, rat, bat, peacock, porcupine,...koala, phyton, monkey, ...cat, wild boar, any possible meat you can ask, probably). Last time i heard the sales are booming, despite the on going pandemic.

SOME (mostly a small part of the non-muslim) of us eats them as some kinda folk medicine, but others eat it because it's delicious, and usually there are some regional recipes for each kind of meat. Bats are usually cooked as Paniki (spicy coconut milk soup with fruit bats/Kalong) or Sate Kalong (Skewered bat meat). Tried both of them and yeah, it's good.

Oteck said:

i can't think of anyone that fluffy twin tails and bewbs in my base... maybe Angelina?

Probably Siege?

I can see Resident Evil's note screen on the frame with Colorado, and Fatal Frame's shot screen on the one with Gangut.

Oteck said:

it should be safe... aslong as your not sitting on the side of the muzzle brake exhaust

Still, the heat. And the noise. RIP Remilia's eardrums.