


Explicit? Am I missing something? I don't think so.

I assume that Rayquaza is auditioning for a bit part in The Karate Kid Part II.

Deoxys's tentacles apparently just touched Latias in a bad place. They're still just slightly wrapped around her wing.

It looks to me like Raikou just dissed Suicune hardcore, and Entei is trying to be comforting. You know how it is at these family gatherings.

Whose foot is that behind Celebi? And did Mew just fart on Jirachi?

Questionable. A little knowledge of the female anatomy would tell you that the cable's not actually anywhere where it would do anything. And frottage is rubbing, and the cable isn't moving. Nothing's showing. I wouldn't want this to be on the screen at work, but this is very clearly not explicit.

If I were this guy, right about now is when I'd get lazy, start submitting actual photos, and have the world fawn at my feet.

If Kenny didn't keep getting killed, the punch line fail would be complete. As it is, it comes close. The correct answer is Butters. Or should I say ... Marjorine?

What worries me is whether there's a fuzzy cotton ball on the end of that mimikaki...or maybe a cute little charm on a chain. Owie.

You suppose those boobs are held on by Velcro? The shoulder straps are clearly not supporting any weight.

Also: eek, scary claws and hammertoes. Girl needs to get to a podiatrist, stat.