


DeusEx773 said:

I want to break that fucking mop in that shitty admirals ass.

The artist(?) tagged this on his pixiv with Kaga, though...

Quakerultra said:

Street Fighter instead of Fatal Fury ? What the hell...

Instead of writing such a comment, it would be better to just edit the post (see the column at the left).
Anyway, it's tagged correctly now.

feline_lump said:

...I don't see what's so bad about it, though. Whenever people use the "there are worse posts on the site" defense, the stock response is "flag them, then". But now actually doing that is also invalid?

Consistent quality standards aren't a bad thing. If there's no meaningful quality difference between a set of posts, then it stands to reason that they should be treated similarly. I've only ever seen it as a problem if the justification is flimsy, like with most "there are worse posts" appeals, which could be referring to posts from 2005 for all we know.

(Although I don't think the appeal works in this context. There's a rather noticeable mistake with the neck/collarbone placement that doesn't occur in most of the artist's works.)

One does not need to bring up an argument that gets debunked with the same reason every time. That's destructive in the end, since it doesn't help.

Gollgagh said:

The wiki isn't some infallible rulebook. We are a community; just because one builder wrote a sentence in a wiki doesn't make it an ironclad rule.

Well, for patreon rewards, one can also always point at the artist's patreon.
Anyway, the point was comment #1705633^^.

feline_lump said:

I've used this type of reasoning a couple times in both flags and appeals, and they've typically gone through. This is the first time I've ever seen anyone complain about it.

Likewise, if people shouldn't start drama over flags, they shouldn't start drama over appeals, either.

The logic looks just backwards to me.
If a post can be appealed with saying that it is the artist's style (or whatever), then I don't see any reason against flagging a post for such a reason: "Similar work of this artist has been deleted. Please quality check this post, too".
In short, I don't consider this as a valid flag reason at all. But it should illustrate that this appeal reason is not great, too: It's really bad.
Of course appeals are more open and less restrictive, but maybe one should think over what I mentioned here^^.

Apollyon said:

These are not from any other Booru, so I don't have to put a source. I had an issue with uploading one part of it (filesize was too high), and something outside of the site needed my attention at the moment.

Do you realize the way you step on peoples' toes like this is something they find really obnoxious about you? And you're getting on my last nerves by doing that. You're being more annoying than helpful. Some people don't want your help or assistance, not all of the time. I don't want it at all.

The patreon_reward tag is fairly new, so maybe you was not aware if it. So I pointed you to the tag, so you can use it for the future when you stumble over new, for example Hews, post.

Regarding such appeals and comments:
It would be a REALLY good idea to write a flag reason with the following: "Posts with similar quality from that artist are already deleted".

If you can write that into an appeal, then it should also be able for flags.

YuriTenshi said:

How the hell is this part of the "wow that was fast" pool? This character was revealed alongside the switch like, half a year ago. We even had her JP name at the time.

Quite obvious: We did not see much of her back then, and now she was more or less in the focus of the E3 "Spotlight" from Nintendo.
-> This fanart was created because of the E3 presentation and before, we knew nothing about her (except some mild spoilers that i won't mention).

Marlin said:

Yes, thank you for proving my point. Please compare their hand size to forearm length(and how the taller one has longer forearm and noticeably bigger hands). Look how hips are in 3/4, on both sides. Notice the shoulder position.
I won't flag this again, but to me it looks very wrong. And seems almost unbelievable that you think it's fine.

You can't flag a post twice.
Of course this is a valid flag reason. It is pretty much the first sentence in howto:flag applied (but when personal dislike is not enough anymore, then maybe a revision should be proposed). But it is a weak flag reason, because the flagger (presumably Marlin) did not point out specifically some flaws.

As far as I'm aware, approvers tend to use flag reasons as a starting point for evaluating an image holistically, rather than as the one and only thing they look at. There's no formal expectation for flag reasons to represent a comprehensive look at an image's flaws, so persistently needling at it past the first couple comments is unlikely to affect a post's chance at approval much. (This isn't meant to discredit your argument towards this post per se; it's more towards a general pattern of behavior that's been coming up in flag discussions.)

That is absolutely correct and flags really should be approached like that.
Nobody is expecting from the flagger to state every flaw; maybe there are more and the flagger did not saw further flaws. In the end, it's up to the Approver staff to decide if a posts warrants deletion.